18 JANUARY 2018

The government of Canada, through the Ministry of Natural Resources, has announced $100 million in funding towards the development of smart grids.
The funds are being sourced from a $21.9 billion 2017 budget set aside for the development of smart energy infrastructure through the Pan-Canadian Framework on Clean Energy and Climate Change.
The Ministry of Natural Resources will use the $100 million to fund smart grid solution providers and projects to demonstrate their solutions and business cases.
Canada’s Minister of Natural Resources, said: “The investments and initiatives resulting from the call for proposals will help build cleaner, safer, better-connected electricity systems and create well-paying jobs for middle-class Canadians, supporting Canada’s transition to a low-carbon future.”
The investment is expected to help increase the country’s renewable energy portfolio, reduce carbon emissions and improve consumer energy efficiency and conservation.
Technologies to be piloted will build a foundation for the next generation of innovative technologies and energy systems, supporting more customer-owned energy generation and service options, according to a statement.
The government says the investment will help reduce barriers to innovation in the utilities and energy system operator’s industries.
Canada and energy efficiency funding
In related news, in September 2017, the provincial state government of Ontario announced it will help increase consumer energy efficiency savings.
Chris Ballard, the environmental minister announced $377 million in investments to be directed toward helping residential and business consumers to improve their energy efficiency and reduce energy costs. Read more…
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