How Pat Boone became spokesman for a fusion energy consortium

How Pat Boone became spokesman for a fusion energy consortium

By Tom D. Tamarkin Pat Boone, the iconic Hollywood singer and entertainer, became the official spokesman for EnergyCite® and a MOU was signed on March 28, 2011. The relationship resulted from a meeting in February and culminated a decade of work by USCL/EnergyCite®. A brief history follows along with the minutes of the Pat Boone … Read more

Tom Tamarkin & USCL lead the way

Revolutionizing Utility Metering, Billing, Customer Information January 2001 California makes worldwide headlines January 2001 USCL begins development of prototype EMS-2020 April 2001 USCL unveils working EMS-2020 prototype at an Open house attended by California State Senator Tom Torlakson. Sacramento Business Journal, March 15, 2002 Click image for a full sized PDF In May 2002, USCL … Read more

Tamar Corporation

Tom Tamarkin formed the Tamar Corporation in 1990. Tamar Corporation was initially funded from a $100,000 private party investment based on the company’s June 1991 Business Plan seeking to raise seed capital. In Q2, 1992 the company had raised over $400,000 in private placement funds. At that time the company produced its private placement offering … Read more

Automatic Power Reading

As published in Public Power magazine Volume 50, Number 5 September-October 1992 Automatic meter reading (AMR) was first tested 30 years ago when trials were conducted by AT&T in cooperation with a group of utilities and Westinghouse. After those successful experiments, AT&T offered to provide phone system-based AMR services at $2 per meter. The price … Read more


Datamatic Inc., of Richardson Texas was one of the two first companies responsible for the development of electronic utility meter reading systems for electric, gas and water utilities using hand held data terminals built by Telzon and MSI Data. The other company in that era was Itron founded by Washington Public Water Authority in Spokane, … Read more

Tom Tamarkin and Texcon

Tom Tamarkin and Texcon

In 1980 Tom Tamarkin formed Texcon Corporation in Phoenix Arizona along with Charles Thomas and Donald Stapley of Mesa Az. In 1981 Texcon acquired the outside interests of Mr. Thomas and Stapely. Tom Tamarkin conceived of the Allegro Mentor music teaching system as developed by Texcon under Tamarkin’s leadership as President & CEO. A video … Read more



In 1976 Tom Tamarkin founded Mizar Company in Phoenix Arizona. He developed the firm’s line of discotheque and entertainment lighting control products. The company manufactured, distributed, and supported nationwide sales and service of the lighting control products. The company was engaged by one of the premier American discotheques located in Lexington KY called Johnny Angel … Read more