Analysis of scientific approaches & challenges of current private sector fusion energy companies

The following analysis is based on the review of publicly available scientific journal papers written and published by scientists at each of the identified companies as well as recent “poster presentations” at meetings such as the October-November 2016 American Physical Society Division of Plasma Physics, conference held in San Jose, CA, and others. The following … Read more

Fusion Energy Consortium™

Fusion Energy Consortium™

The Fusion Energy Consortium is a member sponsored U.S. IRS Title 26 501(c)(3) compliant LLC established as a foundation to stimulate the science, research, and development leading to practical controlled nuclear fusion energy. What is Fusion Energy? Fusion energy is a potentially unlimited source of energy capable of producing baseload power for the world’s electrical … Read more

2060 And Lights Out

2060 And Lights Out

By: Tom Tamarkin Founder Fusion4Freedom & President USCL Corp A Question and Answer Session Wolff Bachner and Tom Tamarkin 2060 And Lights Out: How Will America Survive Without Oil [Inquisitr Special Report] Imagine what your life would be like without electricity. No gasoline for your car; no oil for your furnace; no refrigeration for your … Read more

2050 Projected Alternative Energy Supply and Demand Study

[php function=7]April 9, 2010 Summary The purpose of this study is to provide a first-pass approximation of world energy needs in 2050, and the ability of alternative energy to meet those needs. We make this approximation according to a specified methodology: We calculate the primary energy consumption per capita of the United States for 2008, … Read more

Why Solar and Wind Energy is Inappropriate for Utility Power Backbone Grid Generation

Reprinted by permission from “The High Cost of Free Power,” Laurence Hecht, et al. Every time someone mentions wind or solar power as the answer to our energy needs (for baseline or power grid generation,) the image that should form in your mind is that of 1 billion or more dying and starving children. If … Read more