Why fusion power is the ultimate clean energy goal

CBC By Bob McDonald, Feb 05, 2016 The ITER fusion test reactor under construction in France. German Chancellor Angela Merkel pushed the startup button on a new fusion reactor this week, raising hopes that truly clean energy may finally be only a decade or so away. It’s a promise that’s been ’10 years away’ for … Read more

German W7-X fusion device produces first hydrogen plasma, with PPPL collaborators on hand

PPPL by Jeanne Jackson DeVoe, February 5, 2016 The largest and most advanced fusion experiment of its kind in the world launched this week, and it is already producing results. Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL) physicists collaborating on the Wendelstein 7-X (W7-X) stellarator fusion energy device in Greifswald, Germany, were on hand Feb. 3 when … Read more

China overtakes Germany to make nuclear fusion breakthrough: Reactor creates conditions THREE times hotter than the sun

Daily Mail By ELLIE ZOLFAGHARIFARD, Feb 6th 2016 Test was conducted on a magnetic fusion reactor known as EAST Chinese team were able to maintain 50 million°C for 102 seconds The breakthrough that could someday make fusion power a reality Last week Germany used 2 megawatts of microwave radiation to heat hydrogen gas to 80 … Read more

China creates short-lived artificial sun on Earth via nuclear fusion

PressTV Feb 6, 2016 The Chinese nuclear reactor, known as the Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak (EAST), located in eastern China, features a hollow metal chamber in the shape of a doughnut, in which seaming hydrogen atoms turn into plasma. Strong magnetic fields are used to keep the plasma away from the walls. Chinese scientists have … Read more

Nuclear fusion device’s 1st test with hydrogen declared a success

CBC News The Associated Press Posted: Feb 03, 2016 Wendelstein 7-X stellarator in Greifswald successfully generated a plasma for a fraction of a second A plant creates plasma from hydrogen for the first time, at the Wendelstein 7-X nuclear fusion research centre of the Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics in Greifswald, Germany, Wednesday Feb. … Read more

Nuclear Fusion Hit a Massive Milestone in Germany

motherboard February 3, 2016 Angela Merkel (center) touring the Wendelstein 7-X facility. Image: Getty This story was translated from the original published by Motherboard Germany. The Max Planck Institute in Greifswald reached a true milestone in physics and technical engineering today right in front of German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s eyes. The brand-new reactor, an experimental … Read more

Fusion Stellarator Wendelstein 7-x Fires Up for Real

IEEE Spectrum By Alexander Hellemans 3 Feb 2016 Hydrogen plasma navigates the tortuous turns of the stellarator. Today the German Chancellor Angela Merkel, at a ceremony at the Max Planck Institute for Plasma physics in Greifswald in Germany, pressed a button that caused a two-megawatt pulse of microwave radiation to heat hydrogen gas to 80 … Read more

Wendelstein 7-X produces first hydrogen plasma

IPP Livestream to the ceremony on 3 February 2016 Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel has been asked to switch on the first hydrogen plasma on 3 February 2016 at a ceremony attended by numerous guests from the realms of science and politics. This will mark the start of scientific operation of Wendelstein 7-X. This the world’s … Read more

EMC2 revives its quest for nuclear fusion

Geekwire BY ALAN BOYLE on January 29, 2016 Plasma glows inside EMC2 Fusion’s test device during a high-energy shot in 2013. (Credit: EMC2 Fusion) After languishing in limbo for most of the last year, EMC2 Fusion Development Corp. says it’s back in business with an unorthodox concept for nuclear fusion power plants. The concept is … Read more