New finding may explain heat loss in fusion reactors

MIT News David L. Chandler | MIT News Office | January 21, 2016 A view inside the Alcator C-Mod tokamak. Courtesy of the Plasma Science and Fusion Center/MIT Solving a longstanding mystery, MIT experiments reveal two forms of turbulence interacting. For the first time, simulations of realistic plasmas have demonstrated the coexistence of large turbulent … Read more

Seeing where energy goes may help realize nuclear fusion

Spacedaily Jan 20, 2016 Visualization of energy flow in fast ignition experiments is made possible by the use of copper tracers and a high-tech X-ray imaging system. Image courtesy High Energy Density Physics Group, UC San Diego. For a larger version of this image please go here. An international team of researchers has taken a … Read more

Swiss statement for international fusion exchange

Eurofusion December 10th 2015 Together with Minh Quang Tran, the former CRPP Director (on the left), the current Director of the Swiss Plasma Center, Ambrogio Fasoli (rightmost) reveals the new name of the institute in Lausanne. Thomas Rizzo (Dean of the EPFL Faculty of Basic Sciences), Bruno Moor (Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Research and … Read more

Ex-president says Iran to launch fusion-based nuclear reactor

Trend news agency By Umid Niayesh | 18 JANUARY 2016 | Baku, Azerbaijan, Iran’s ex-president Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani hailed the recent implementation of the nuclear agreement, saying that Iran will launch a fusion-based nuclear reactor. Rafsanjani said Iran has achieved success in fission-based nuclear science, however this is an old technology, Mehr reported Jan. … Read more

A Star-Powered Future?

The Discerning Physicist January 17, 2016 Nuclear fusion, the power source of the stars, seems like the perfect solution to all of our energy problems. It has an abundant fuel, produces no greenhouse gases and has an efficiency four million times greater than that of burning fossil fuels. Unfortunately, problems arise when we are faced … Read more

UCI nuclear fusion pioneer Norman Rostoker dies at 89

UCI News Clean-energy champion also co-founded Tri Alpha Energy November 2015 Time magazine quotes from Dr. Rostoker Irvine, Calif., Jan. 6, 2015 – UC Irvine professor Norman Rostoker, the father of breakthrough clean nuclear fusion energy techniques via plasma-based accelerators, died on Christmas Day in Irvine, Calif. He was 89. Rostoker cared deeply about using … Read more

Nuclear Fusion is the Energy of the Future and Here’s Why

Inspire52 Rey Vergara Jan. 13, 2016 The world is adversely changing, and it seems like the future of our children are bleak at best. Humans have abused Mother Nature to the point that it has endangered our possibility of a better tomorrow. Climate change has been accelerated due to man’s non-stop usage of fossil fuels … Read more

Kharkivens participated in the launch of nuclear fusion

Kharkiv Times Jan. 15, 2016 In Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics (Greifswald, Germany) in December helium plasma was heated to a temperature of a million degrees Celsius. This was reported in V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University (KNU), the graduates of which participated in the research. The process took place in one of the … Read more

Sharing fusion research with 3-D, video games, and comics

MIT News Paul Rivenberg | Plasma Science and Fusion Center | November 30, 2015 Posted Jan. 16, 2016 Josh Stillerman (left) and Bob Mumgaard help guide conference attendee Deedee Ortiz through virtual rooms of a 3-D tokamak fusion device. Photo: Paul Rivenberg/PSFC Members of MIT’s Plasma Science and Fusion Center wow colleagues, students, and teachers … Read more