Malaysian government invests in Burnaby fusion energy company

Vancouver Metro News Emily Jackson, May 18 2015 Malaysia’s state-owned energy company may be dragging its feet when it comes to investing in B.C.’s liquefied natural gas industry, but the country is bankrolling another type of energy being developed in the province. The Malaysian government’s strategic investment fund was the largest investor in the latest … Read more

Dr. Scott Hsu of Los Alamos National Laboratory Applying for ARPA-E funding for Fusion Energy Project

December 26, 2014 Dr. Scott Hsu, Tom Tamarkin, & Jeremy Tamarkin flanked by two un-identified LANL project scientists, in Los Alamos National Laboratory PJMIF lab in front of experimental rector vessel. Scott Hsu, Ph.D., of Los Alamos National Laboratory (P-24 Plasma Physics Group) has been encouraged by ARPA-E (under Funding Opportunity Announcement DE-FOA-00011841) to submit … Read more

Fusion Energy Discussed at Nuclear Hearing

American Security Project Posted By Philip Rossetti on May 13, 2015 On Wednesday May 13th the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology’s Subcommittee on Energy held a hearing on “Nuclear Energy Innovation and the National Labs.” The focus of the hearing was the government’s role in coordinating and funding national labs advancement of nuclear … Read more

Iran Working on Fusion

Iran News Agency Tehran, May 5, IRNA – Head Iran’s Nuclear Fusion Research Center reiterated here on Tuesday that the nuclear fusion science has been made indigenous in Iran today and achieving any objective in the field is possible now. The Vice President and Head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) Ali Akbar … Read more

Nuclear fusion science made indigenous in Iran

Iran News Agency Tehran, May 5, IRNA – Head Iran’s Nuclear Fusion Research Center reiterated here on Tuesday that the nuclear fusion science has been made indigenous in Iran today and achieving any objective in the field is possible now. The Vice President and Head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) Ali Akbar … Read more

An improvement to the global standard for modeling fusion plasmas By Raphael Rosen, April 27, 2015 Schematic of NSTX tokamak at PPPL with a cross-section showing perturbations of the plasma profiles caused by instabilities. Without instabilities, energetic particles would follow closed trajectories and stay confined inside the plasma (blue orbit). With instabilities, trajectories can be modified and some particles may eventually be pushed out … Read more

The stellarator renaissance

iter newsline Apr 15 2011 W 7-X aims at producing 30 minute pulses, a duration that is limited only by the cooling power of the installation. © Anja Richter-Ullmann Stellarators are like a bright kid who never got a first chance. The device that astrophysicist Lyman Spitzer invented in 1952 is at the origin of … Read more

Scientists use plasma shaping to control turbulence in stellarators Oct 13, 2014 by John Greenwald Magnetic field strength in a turbulence-optimized stellarator design. Regions with the highest strength are shown in yellow. Credit: PPPL Researchers at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL) and the Max Planck Institute of Plasma Physics in Germany have devised a new method for minimizing … Read more