As threatened, Senate budgetmakers move to end U.S. participation in ITER

sciencemag By Adrian Cho 2 July 2014 ITER, under construction Budgetmakers in the U.S. Senate have moved to halt U.S. participation in ITER, the huge international fusion experiment now under construction in Cadarache, France, that aims to demonstrate that nuclear fusion could be a viable source of energy. Although the details are not available, Senate … Read more

Fusion Stellarator Starts Up

IEEE Spectrum Alexander Hellemans, 21 May 2014 Alternate design to ITER might ultimately be better for generating electricity Finishing Up: In November 2011 the interior of the Wendelstein 7-X stellarator fusion experiment was still open. Among the guts visible are the plasma vessel and one of the coils that produce the complex magnetic field that … Read more

Nuclear fusion: an answer to China’s energy problems?

Nuclear fusion: an answer to China’s energy problems?

China Dialog Olivia Boyd 12.2.2013 China could lead the way to a clean and boundless energy supply – if it can ever be made to work. Scientist Steven Cowley talks to chinadialogue. A nuclear fusion display in the Houston Museum of Natural Science. Fusion could one day meet 25% of the world’s energy needs, says … Read more

Plasma experiment demonstrates admirable self-control

Plasma experiment demonstrates admirable self-control November 13, 2013 Scientists from the EAST tokamak experiment work with their US colleagues in control room of the DIII-D tokamak where they carried out experiments to test concepts that will enable groundbreaking experiments in EAST in 2014. Credit: Andrea Garofalo A team of Chinese and American scientists has learned how to maintain high … Read more

How Texas Lost the World’s Largest Super Collider

How Texas Lost the World’s Largest Super Collider

Texas Monthly October 21, 2013 By Trevor Quirk The Higgs boson, a particle that has shaped the theories of modern particle physics, was discovered at a super collider in Geneva. It was a hugely significant moment for Big Science, one that received a Nobel Prize earlier this year—and it should have been discovered in Texas. … Read more

Fusion experiments inch closer to break-even goal

CBS news October 8, 2013, 12:47 PM The unified lasers at the National Ignition Facility deliver 1.8 megajoules of energy and 500 terawatts of power, which is 1,000 times more than the United States uses at any one moment. DAMIEN JEMISON/LLNL Fusion energy has proven an elusive goal — a running joke is that humanity … Read more

Michael Delage and General Fusion at Future of Nuclear 2013

Michael Delage and General Fusion at Future of Nuclear 2013 by Ian Angus McLennan September 18, 2013 What do Jeff Bezos, BDC, SDTC, Cenovus Energy, Chrysalix, Braemar, Entrepreneurs’ Fund, and Growthworks have in common? They’ve all invested in General Fusion. General Fusion was founded in 2002 with the goal of developing economically viable fusion power. Michael Delage, VP of Strategy and Corporate Development, will … Read more

Nuclear Fusion Rocket Could Reach Mars in 30 Days

Nuclear Fusion Rocket Could Reach Mars in 30 Days April 10, 2013 A concept image of a spacecraft powered by a fusion-driven rocket. In this image, the crew would be in the forward-most chamber. Solar panels on the sides would collect energy to initiate the process that creates fusion. Credit: University of Washington, MSNW Nuclear fusion, the energy source that fuels the sun … Read more

Hollywood, Silicon Valley and Russia Join Forces on Nuclear Fusion

Hollywood, Silicon Valley and Russia Join Forces on Nuclear Fusion

Forbes MAR 10, 2013 The Rusnano Group, a venture firm created by the government of Russia, is the latest investor to jump into Tri-Alpha Energy, one of the most potentially groundbreaking and mysterious companies in tech. Secret photos from a recent Tri-Alpha board meeting Tri-Alpha wants to bring nuclear fusion reactors to market, according to … Read more

Fusion’s Missing Pieces

Scientific American, June 2012 Volume 306, Number 6 Geneva was cold and gray when air force one touched down in November 1985. President Ronald Reagan had come to meet Mikhail Gorbachev, the newly appointed leader of the Soviet Union. Reagan was convinced that the risk of catastrophic nuclear war was high, and he wanted to … Read more