Tesla battery, subsidy and sustainability fantasies

Tesla battery, subsidy and sustainability fantasies

By Paul Driessen July 23, 2017 More subsidies from exhausted California taxpayers cannot compensate for hard realities The first justification was that internal combustion engines polluted too much. But emissions steadily declined, and today’s cars emit about 3% of what their predecessors did. Then it was oil imports: electric vehicles (EVs) would reduce foreign dependency … Read more

Monumental, unsustainable environmental impacts

Monumental, unsustainable environmental impacts

By Paul Driessen July 1, 2017 Replacing fossil fuels with renewable energy would inflict major land, wildlife, resource damage Demands that the world replace fossil fuels with wind, solar and biofuel energy – to prevent supposed catastrophes caused by manmade global warming and climate change – ignore three fundamental flaws. 1) In the Real World … Read more

We should be glad the US is out

We should be glad the US is out

By Paul Driessen and David Legates June 26, 2017 States that claim they’re committed to Paris do nothing for the climate and ill serve their citizens Ten states, some 150 cities, and 1,100 businesses, universities and organizations insist “We are still in” – committed to the Paris climate agreement and determined to continue reducing carbon … Read more

Exiting the Mad Hatter’s climate tea party

Exiting the Mad Hatter’s climate tea party

By Paul Driessen June 3, 2017 Trump was 100% right (not just 97%) to show real leadership and walk away from Paris I can guess why a raven is like a writing-desk, Alice said. “Do you mean you think you can find out the answer?” said the March Hare. “Exactly so,” said Alice. “Then you … Read more

Dear Mr. President: Please Exit Paris

Dear Mr. President: Please Exit Paris

By Paul Driessen May 30, 2017 Are you are still wondering whether to Exit Paris? Overseas and US officials, environmentalists and bureaucrats urge you to Remain. But you promised voters you would Exit. Please keep your promises. Exit Paris isn’t about the environment. It’s about letting us utilize our fossil fuel energy to create jobs, … Read more

Ignorance, intolerance, violence

Ignorance, intolerance, violence

By Paul Driessen May. 2, 2017 Using junk science marches, ignorant professors, resistance and violence to drive public policy Recent science and climate marches demonstrated how misinformed, indoctrinated, politicized and anti-Trump these activists are – and how indifferent about condemning millions in industrialized nations and billions in developing countries to green energy poverty. Amid it … Read more

Real science must guide policy

Real science must guide policy

By Paul Driessen April 16, 2017 Climate alarmists use faulty science and bald assertions to demand end to fossil fuels All too many alarmist climate scientists have received millions in taxpayer grants over the years, relied on computer models that do not reflect real-world observations, attacked and refused to debate scientists who disagree with manmade … Read more

The social cost of carbon regulations

The social cost of carbon regulations

By Paul Driessen and Roger Bezdek March 18, 2017 Anti-fossil fuel SCC relies on garbage models, ignores carbon benefits and hurts the poor “If you could pick just one thing to reduce poverty, by far you would pick energy,” Bill Gates has said. “Access to energy is absolutely fundamental in the struggle against poverty,” World … Read more

Financial Stability Board climate deceit

Financial Stability Board climate deceit

By Paul Driessen March 17, 2017 FSB, Climate Cabal expand power and wealth, by targeting financial and insurance industries The $1.5-trillion Climate Crisis industry is not about to go quiet into that dark night, or to strut but an hour upon the stage, to then be heard no more. In these desperate times, it is … Read more

GIGO-based energy and climate policies

GIGO-based energy and climate policies

By Paul Driessen March 4, 2017 It’s like formulating public safety policies using models based on dinosaur DNA from amber Things are never quiet on the climate front. After calling dangerous manmade climate change a hoax and vowing to withdraw the USA from the Paris agreement, President Trump has apparently removed language criticizing the Paris … Read more