Confusion, muddle, obfuscation and racism

Confusion, muddle, obfuscation and racism

By Paul Driessen September 11, 2016 As Obama, UN and EPA seek to dictate our lives and livelihoods, the real issue is green racism Winston Churchill called Russia a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma. We could say Obama’s energy and climate policy is confusion wrapped in muddled thinking inside obfuscation – and … Read more

Fuel me or fool me

Fuel me or fool me

By Paul Driessen July 9, 2016 America has centuries of fossil fuels, but hydrocarbon deniers want to strangle our future Fool me once, the adage says, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. The reality-based fossil fuel version states: Fuel me for 150 years, fuel me forever – or at least until creative, … Read more

Brexit for America

Brexit for America

By Paul Driessen July 3, 2016 Should we give Washington still more power over our lives – or “Take back control” Independence Day weekend is a perfect time to reflect on personal freedoms and responsibilities. The Magna Carta and Declaration of Independence were about overbearing, despotic kings. Brexit, Britain’s decision to leave the European Union, … Read more

The Hillary treatment for climate fraudsters?

The Hillary treatment for climate fraudsters?

By Paul Driessen July 19, 2016 State AG actions reveal double standard for scientists who promote alarmist climate claims This past March, seventeen attorneys general launched a coordinated effort to investigate, pursue and prosecute companies, think tanks and other organizations who say there is little credible evidence that human “greenhouse gas” emissions are causing “dangerous” … Read more

More job-killing rules from EPA

More job-killing rules from EPA

By Paul Driessen June 12, 2016 Social cost of methane regulations will further constrain energy production, for no benefit Having already done yeoman’s work stifling economic growth and job creation, President Obama’s Environmental Protection Agency is doubling down again. The United States created a paltry 38,000 new jobs in May: one for every 8,000 Americans. … Read more

How the West got healthy and prosperous

How the West got healthy and prosperous

By Paul Driessen June 5, 2016 Vital ingredients included the scientific method and fossil fuels – truths we forget at our peril Several years ago, physician, statistician, sword swallower and vibrant lecturer Hans Rosling produced a fascinating 4-minute video that presented 120,000 data points and showcased how mostly western nations became healthy and prosperous in … Read more

SEC issues climate chaos “guidance”

SEC issues climate chaos “guidance”

By Paul Driessen May 29, 2016 What about risks from anti-energy policies imposed in the name of stopping climate change? President Obama continues to use “dangerous manmade climate change” to justify a massive regulatory onslaught that will “fundamentally transform” America’s energy, economic, business, industrial, social, legal and constitutional systems before he leaves office. The more … Read more

Ben Rhodes spins climate change

Ben Rhodes spins climate change

By Paul Driessen May 16, 2016 “Climate refugee” claims reflect deliberate mendacity and belief that we and reporters are stupid Employing his college degree in fiction writing, White House communications strategist Ben Rhodes wrote deceitful talking points on the Benghazi attack and one-sided Iran nuclear deal – and later bragged about manipulating “clueless reporters.” Perhaps … Read more

Inside climate propaganda

Inside climate propaganda

By Paul Driessen April 30, 2016 InsideClimate News excels at propagating environmentalist and Obama thinking and policies Have you ever wondered how the LA Times, Associated Press, Weather Channel and your local media always seem to present similar one-sided stories on climate change, fossil fuels, renewable energy and other environmental issues? How their assertions become … Read more

Smelling blood in the political water

Smelling blood in the political water

By Paul Driessen April 23, 2016 Having destroyed US coal industry, Democrats and eco allies are now attacking all fossil fuels The great white environmentalist sharks smell blood in the water. It’s gushing from mortally wounded US coal companies that the Obama EPA has gutted as sacrifices on the altar of “dangerous manmade climate change” … Read more