Reactors Unplugged

Reactors Unplugged

Can the Decline of America’s Nuclear Sector Be Stopped? Manhattan Institute No. 18 September 2015 Robert Bryce, Senior Fellow, Manhattan Institute Executive Summary Today, the United States has 99 nuclear reactors that provide about 20 percent of the country’s electricity. Globally, nuclear reactors provide about 11 percent of the world’s electricity. That global fleet of … Read more

Smart grid Mexico: 30.2 million smart meters by 2025

Smart grid Mexico: 30.2 million smart meters by 2025 28 SEPTEMBER 2015 In Latin America, Mexico has kickstarted investment in smart grid technology by issuing a number of tenders for more than two million smart meters, finds a new study released today by Northeast Group. The research report indicates that Mexico has began the process of selecting vendors for a total 30.2 million … Read more

2.5m European households to have smart home controller

2.5m European households to have smart home controller

Metering and Smart Technology Amy Ryan September 28, 2015 In Europe, a US based IoT market research and consulting firm Parks Associates has forecast that 2.5 million western European households will have a smart home controller by 2019. US based IoT market research and consulting firm has forecast that 2.5 million western European households will … Read more

150 Million Smart Meter Semiconductors to be Shipped by 2019

150 Million Smart Meter Semiconductors to be Shipped by 2019

IHS Electronics 360 19 August 2015 The global market for semiconductors used in smart meters is expected to rise in the next few years as demand for precise energy measurement and communications increases from utility vendors, according to a new report from IHS. Shipments of communicating meters used for two-way communications between smart meters and … Read more

ComEd recruits customers to energy management tools

ComEd recruits customers to energy management tools

Metering and Smart Energy Rose Bundock September 7, 2015 ComEd is seeking to recruit customers onto its energy management programmes ahead of completing a smart meter rollout by 2018 In the US, northern Illinois utility Commonwealth Edison is promoting energy management tools to its user base of 1.4 million smart meters. ComEd has a suite … Read more

GreenPeak reaches 100m milestone in ZigBee shipments

GreenPeak reaches 100m milestone in ZigBee shipments

Metering and Smart Energy Amy Ryan | September 2, 2015 According to GreenPeak, ZigBee chips can operate for over a decade without recharging or battery replacement Netherlands-based fabless semiconductor company GreenPeak Technologies has announced that it has delivered 100m ZigBee chips to the smart home market to date. GreenPeak’s IEEE 802.15.4 certified ZigBee chips are … Read more

FACT SHEET: President Obama Announces New Actions to Bring Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency to Households across the Country

FACT SHEET: President Obama Announces New Actions to Bring Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency to Households across the Country

White House Press Release August 24, 2015 Advancing Clean Energy Technology Innovation, Cutting Energy Bills, and Creating Jobs President Obama is committed to taking responsible steps to address climate change, promote clean energy and energy efficiency, drive innovation, and ensure a cleaner, more stable environment for future generations. That is why at Senator Reid’s National … Read more

IHDs and smart thermostats ‘don’t deliver on revenue’ – IHS report

IHDs and smart thermostats ‘don’t deliver on revenue’ – IHS report

Metering and Smart Energy Amy Ryan August 20, 2015 Revenue generated from smart appliances eg. intelligent washing machines and refrigerators (US$3bn) will surpass revenue generated from demand-response enabled smart home energy management devices (US$57m) by 2025 A new report by US market research company IHS states that revenue generated from smart appliances (US$3 billion) will … Read more

Iran to continue its nuclear fusion research, development: Top nuclear official

Iran to continue its nuclear fusion research, development: Top nuclear official

Iran Press TV Thu Aug 13, 2015 Head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) Ali Akbar Salehi (Photo by Tasnim news agency) Head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) Ali Akbar Salehi says the Islamic Republic will continue research and development (R&D) activities in the field of nuclear energy. “We would … Read more