NPRE Illinois Aug 30, 2017 Eight months of careful preparations have led to success in now making the HIDRA plasma/fusion facility in Nuclear, Plasma, and Radiological Engineering at Illinois fully operational. The facility, housed in the Center for Plasma-Material Interactions (CPMI), achieved first plasma in spring 2016, but was operating in low power mode until … Read more

Fusion heating gets a boost

Fusion heating gets a boost

MIT August 21, 2017 The interior of the Alcator C-Mod tokamak, where experiments were conducted that have helped create a new scenario for heating plasma and achieving fusion. Photo: Bob Mumgaard/Plasma Science and Fusion Center In the quest for fusion energy, scientists have spent decades experimenting with ways to make plasma fuel hot and dense … Read more

MIT Scientist Asserts That We Will Have Fusion Energy by 2030

MIT Scientist Asserts That We Will Have Fusion Energy by 2030

Futurism IN BRIEF Earl Marmar, MIT’s Alcator C-Mod tokamak fusion project, said that we could potentially have nuclear fusion powering electric grids by the 2030s — that is, if we continue to pursue research aggressively. FUSION ON THE HORIZON In the continuous pursuit of a truly renewable and clean energy source, nothing compares to nuclear … Read more

PPPL physicists essential to new campaign on world’s most powerful stellarator

PPPL physicists essential to new campaign on world’s most powerful stellarator

PPPL August 28, 2017 Fish-eye view of interior of W7-X showing graphite tiles that cover magnetic coils. (Photo courtesy of IPP.) Physicists from the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL) are providing critical expertise for the first full campaign of the world’s largest and most powerful stellarator, a magnetic confinement fusion … Read more

Egemen Kolemen Wins DOE Early Career Grant

Egemen Kolemen Wins DOE Early Career Grant

Quest 2017 Egemen Kolemen. (Photo by Frank Wojciechowski) Physicist Egemen Kolemen, who has dual appointments at PPPL and Princeton University, has been awarded funding from the DOE’s Early Career Research Program. The grant, covering five years and totaling almost $850,000, will support research on how to monitor and control instabilities in tokamaks. “It’s great to … Read more

Robert Goldston receives Nuclear Fusion best paper award

Robert Goldston receives Nuclear Fusion best paper award

Quest 2017 Yukiya Amano, left, presents certificate of the Nuclear Fusion Award to Robert Goldston. (Photo courtesy IAEA) Fusion researcher Robert Goldston, a Princeton University professor of astrophysical sciences and former director of PPPL, received the 2015 Nuclear Fusion Award for the most outstanding paper to appear in the journal Nuclear Fusion during 2012. The … Read more

Avoiding Disruptions that Halt Fusion Reactions

Avoiding Disruptions that Halt Fusion Reactions

US Dept. of Energy 08.18.17 New supercomputing capabilities help understand how to cope with large-scale instabilities in tokamaks. Image courtesy of David Pfefferlé, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory A cutaway of the lower divertor region of the National Spherical Torus Experiment in a simulation of a disruption. The red and blue colors indicate electrical “halo” currents … Read more