Hong Sio: On the road for fusion

Hong Sio: On the road for fusion

MIT Paul Rivenberg | Plasma Science and Fusion Center | February 28, 2017 Ph.D candidate enjoys a range of fusion research from coast to coast. At MIT, Hong Sio can be found in the PSFC High-Energy-Density Physics (HEDP) accelerator facility, which develops and characterizes nuclear d iagnostics for inertial fusion facilities across the country, including … Read more

Kazakhstan expresses interest in collaboration

Kazakhstan expresses interest in collaboration

ITER 27 FEB, 2017 In the discussion that took place with ITER Director-General Bernard Bigot, Erlan Batyrbekov, director of the Kazakhstan Nuclear National Center, offered to establish a legal cooperation framework between ITER and the institution he heads. The largest of the Central Asian republics (5.5 times the size of France), Kazakhstan has immense mineral … Read more

How Can We Get Cheap, Clean Power From Nuclear Fusion?

How Can We Get Cheap, Clean Power From Nuclear Fusion?

Forbes FEB 28, 2017 shutterstock What are the most important unanswered questions in natural science that are likely to be answered by 2025? originally appeared on Quora: the place to gain and share knowledge, empowering people to learn from others and better understand the world. Answer by Matthew J Moynihan, PhD in ICF, Fusion Blogger, … Read more

IPP Summer University for Plasma Physics and Fusion Research

IPP Summer University for Plasma Physics and Fusion Research

IPP Beginning: Sep 11, 2017 08:40 End: Sep 15, 2017 15:00 Location: D-85748 Garching near Munich, Boltzmannstr. 2 ProgrammeThe course covers the main aspects of plasma physics with emphasis on nuclear fusion: energy consumption and selected aspects of the environmental impact of energy production basics of plasma physics and nuclear fusion kinetic and magneto-hydrodynamic description … Read more

Flow Z-Pinch Experiments

Flow Z-Pinch Experiments

University of Washington The Flow Z-Pinch is an innovative confinement concept to magnetically confine a high-temperature, high-density plasma. The Z-pinch has a simple, linear configuration with no applied magnetic fields. The self-field generated by the axial current confines and compresses the plasma. The concept was investigated extensively for fusion energy applications; however, the configuration is … Read more

44th European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics (EPS)

44th European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics (EPS)

Fusenet The 44th edition of the European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics (EPS) will take place from the 26th to 30th of June 2017 and will be hosted by Queen’s University in Belfast, Northern Ireland (UK). Organised by the Plasma Physics Division of the European Physical Society, this annual conference covers a broad range … Read more

The route to commercial fusion electricity by 2030

The route to commercial fusion electricity by 2030

The Engineer 21st February 2017 Viewpoint Melanie Windridge and David Kingham Tokamak Energy’s contribution to putting fusion power into the grid by 2030: the ST40 prototype of a compact fusion reactor The world is facing a deep decarbonisation challenge, and major organisations such as the Breakthrough Energy Coalition and the newly-announced Breakthrough Energy Ventures are … Read more

Fusion winter school in Budapest

Fusion winter school in Budapest

magfuzio Feb. 21, 2017 Over the last decade the Hungarian Association of Physics Students (Mafihe) has been organizing an annual winter school. This event acts like a break for the physics students after the tough examination period, exploring a stimulating part of physics or related scientific area. The topics are usually chosen to be on … Read more

ITER-like WEST ready to go

ITER-like WEST ready to go

ITER 13 FEB, 2017 Imagine a space shuttle “landing” on—or rather flying very close to—the surface of the Sun. The heat load it would be exposed to would be in the range of 10 to 20 MW per square metre. Speaking to media representatives last week, Alain Bécoulet, the Director of the French Institute for … Read more