Under pressure: New world record set on path to nuclear fusion

Under pressure: New world record set on path to nuclear fusion

Newatlas Michael Franco | Oct. 14, 2016 A look inside the Alcator C-Mod t MIT(Credit: Bob Mumgaard/Plasma Science and Fusion Center) While there is a lot of attention on non-fossil-fuel sources these days such as solar and hydrogen, the true Holy Grail of alternative energy is nuclear fusion, which theoretically could produce an endless source … Read more

University of Malta researchers contribute toward world’s largest nuclear fusion reactor

University of Malta researchers contribute toward world’s largest nuclear fusion reactor

Independent (Malta) 13 October 2016 Researchers at the University of Malta are contributing toward the construction of the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER), a €20 billion nuclear fusion reactor that aims to ‘ignite a star on Earth for energy’. The reactor, known as a tokamak, is being constructed in Cadarache, France and it will be … Read more

New record for fusion

New record for fusion

MIT Plasma Science and Fusion Center October 14, 2016 Alcator C-Mod tokamak nuclear fusion reactor sets world record on final day of operation. The interior of the fusion experiment Alcator C-Mod at MIT recently broke the plasma pressure record for a magnetic fusion device. The interior of the donut-shaped device confines plasma hotter than the … Read more

Iter transformer in place as materials tests continue

Iter transformer in place as materials tests continue

WNN 11 October 2016 The first of Iter’s three Chinese-supplied transformers (Image: Iter) As the first of three Chinese-supplied electrical transformers is installed at the Iter fusion project in France, researchers in the Netherlands are testing the resistance to neutron radiation of materials that will shield the fusion reactor’s core. Dutch radioisotope producer NRG announced … Read more

Iter : delivery of the first parts of the reactor scheduled by 2018 according to Bernard Bigot

Iter : delivery of the first parts of the reactor scheduled by 2018 according to Bernard Bigot

connaissancedesenergies.org october 6, 2016 AFP The construction of ITER in the south-east of France, “advance” after experiencing significant delays, and delivery of the first parts of the reactor is planned in 2018, said Thursday the Director General of ITER Organization Bertrand Bigot. This project, which aims to harness nuclear fusion, “advance” and “urges all technologies … Read more

Build Capacity and Skills in Fusion Energy Development

Build Capacity and Skills in Fusion Energy Development

Government of Canada Question:How do we make best use of our science and research strengths? Answer submitted by Tim Howard on 09/30/2016 Members of the Canadian fusion community representing universities, industry and research support organizations from five provinces are proposing a revitalized Canadian fusion program with the vision that: by 2030, Canada will support the … Read more

US left with just one working fusion reactor — for now

US left with just one working fusion reactor — for now

nature.com Jeff Tollefson | 30 September 2016 Design flaw may have doomed machine at Princeton Plasma Physics Lab. The experimental fusion reactor at the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory is shaped like a cored apple. A tough year just got tougher for US fusion researchers. The country’s flagship experimental fusion reactor has broken down, less than … Read more