Nuclear Fusion Updated project reviews

Nuclear Fusion Updated project reviews

Next Big Future August 1, 2018 Here is a rundown of the various nuclear fusion projects. Overall there many interesting projects with decent funding. Most are being more careful about making specific timeline promises. Molten Salt fission could deliver on most of the nuclear fusion clean energy and low-cost energy claims with what appears to … Read more

Will Lockheed Martin Change The World With Its New Fusion Reactor?

Will Lockheed Martin Change The World With Its New Fusion Reactor?

Forbes Aug 1, 2018 Artist’s rendition of concept Compact Fusion Reactor (CFR) – Lockheed Martin Lockheed Martin’s secretive Skunk Works® laboratory registered a patent in March for a revolutionary technology that could solve the world’s energy problems for good – but don’t pop the champagne yet. The design is for a compact fusion reactor (CFR) … Read more

Newest supercomputer to help develop fusion energy in international device

Newest supercomputer to help develop fusion energy in international device

PPPL July 25, 2018 Stephen Jardin Scientists led by Stephen Jardin, principal research physicist and head of the Computational Plasma Physics Group at the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL), have won 40 million core hours of supercomputer time to simulate plasma disruptions that can halt fusion reactions and damage fusion … Read more

David Gann appointed as Chair of the UK Atomic Energy Authority

David Gann appointed as Chair of the UK Atomic Energy Authority

Imperial College London by Andrew Scheuber | 19 July 2018 Professor David Gann CBE, Imperial’s Vice President (Innovation), will become Chair of the UK Atomic Energy Authority from 1 August. UKAEA is the UK government’s research organisation responsible for developing nuclear fusion power and related technology. The body works to utilise nuclear fusion for a … Read more

Cracking Nuclear Fusion With Supercomputers And Smart Code

Cracking Nuclear Fusion With Supercomputers And Smart Code

The Next Platform June 27, 2018 Brid-Aine Parnell Nuclear fusion, the opportunity to harness the power of the stars, has been a dream of humanity from around the time of the Manhattan Project. But while making bombs has been readily achieved, controlling the process for thermonuclear fusion for civilian use has been frustratingly elusive. Nuclear … Read more

TAE rearranges its leadership and gets ready for next chapter in fusion quest backed by Paul Allen

TAE rearranges its leadership and gets ready for next chapter in fusion quest backed by Paul Allen

Geek Wire by Alan Boyle on July 17, 2018 Michl Binderbauer is moving up from chief technology officer to chief executive officer at California-based TAE Technologies, formerly known as Tri Alpha Energy. (PPPL / TAE Photo) TAE Technologies, the fusion energy venture backed by Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen and other heavy-hitters, is elevating Michl Binderbauer … Read more

No more zigzags: Scientists uncover mechanism that stabilizes fusion plasmas

No more zigzags: Scientists uncover mechanism that stabilizes fusion plasmas

PPPL Isabel Krebs Sawtooth swings — up-and-down ripples found in everything from stock prices on Wall Street to ocean waves — occur periodically in the temperature and density of the plasma that fuels fusion reactions in doughnut-shaped facilities called tokamaks. These swings can sometimes combine with other instabilities in the plasma to produce a perfect … Read more

Nuclear fusion isn’t as far away as you think

Nuclear fusion isn’t as far away as you think

Tri City Herald By Jim Conca | July 14, 2018 Pacific Northwest National Laboratory operated by Battelle in Richland. Tri-City Herald file On Feb. 22, 2016, Bill Gates said that an “energy miracle is coming and it is going to change the world.” He was talking about nuclear energy. Gates formed a nuclear engineering company … Read more

NEW CRP: Atomic Data for Vapour Shielding in Fusion Devices (F43024)

NEW CRP: Atomic Data for Vapour Shielding in Fusion Devices (F43024)

IAEA July 11, 2018 An illustration of the interactions between ions and neutrals in a plasma vapour shield. (Illustration: IAEA) The IAEA is launching a new 3-year Coordinated Research Project (CRP) in order to assemble, validate and distribute atomic, molecular and plasma-material interaction data for nuclear fusion energy development. Upon conclusion, the CRP is expected … Read more

NIF sets new laser energy record

NIF sets new laser energy record

LLNL July 10, 2018 NIF’s target chamber is where the magic happens — temperatures of 100 million degrees and pressures extreme enough to compress the target to densities up to 100 times that of lead are created there. Photo by Jason Laurea/LLNL Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory’s (LLNL) National Ignition Facility (NIF) laser system has set … Read more