Tokamak data mirror for JET and MAST data – moving towards an open data repository for European nuclear fusion research

Tokamak data mirror for JET and MAST data – moving towards an open data repository for European nuclear fusion research

EUDat Overview of the pilot Our data pilot will provide a mirror of experimental data from two magnetic confinement nuclear fusion devices (Tokamaks) at the Culham Centre for Fusion Energy (CCFE): the Joint European Torus (JET) and the Mega Amp Spherical Tokamak (MAST). The research community will be plasma physics and fusion researchers, engineers and … Read more

Canadian start-ups look to reimagined nuclear power to replace fossil fuels

Canadian start-ups look to reimagined nuclear power to replace fossil fuels

National Observer Feb. 22, 2016 As the race to replace fossil fuels heats up, a few Canadian startups are betting on the nuclear option. “We need a game-changing energy innovation,” Simon Irish, chief executive of Oakville, Ont.,-based Terrestrial Energy, said in a recent interview. Renewable power like wind and solar aren’t able to meet the … Read more

ITER Fusion Project: World Leader in Renewable Energy

ITER Fusion Project: World Leader in Renewable Energy Feb. 22, 2016 Today 80% of the developed world’s energy comes from fossil which meets energy demand but these fuels present environmental issues and climate change challenges. By 2050, it is predicted that the population will be 9 billion and there will be a dramatic increase in energy consumption for which no one solution … Read more

Nuclear fusion comes two steps closer

Nuclear fusion comes two steps closer

The World Weekly Aristos Georgiou, 11 February 2016 The interior of the Chinese East Tokamak The quest to produce a working nuclear fusion reactor has been the dream of scientists for decades, however, progress has been painfully slow. Within just a few days though, news of two major breakthroughs in the technology has emerged. A … Read more

Fusion: “We’re So Close We Can Taste It”

Fusion: “We’re So Close We Can Taste It”

How we get to next Ian Steadman Feb. 16, 2016 Atomic Energy Authority head Steve Cowley talks tokamaks, tritium, and the tantalizing prospect of enough power for a billion years How close are we to stealing starlight for ourselves? Earlier this month, for the first time ever German scientists at the Max Planck Institute heated … Read more

New experimental facility boosts European research on fusion energy

New experimental facility boosts European research on fusion energy Brussels, 3 February 2016 A key experimental facility in the EU-backed research programme for developing low carbon fusion electricity is inaugurated today in Germany in the presence of German Chancellor Angela Merkel. The Wendelstein7-X ‘stellarator’ was completed at the end of 2015 by the Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik in Greifswald with a €1 billion investment, … Read more

At WEST, it’s now time for proposals

At WEST, it’s now time for proposals

ITER Newsline 15 FEB, 2016 On 1 February, a seminar was organized at ITER Headquarters to present the present status of WEST and launch the call for proposals. The WEST platform is open to the international fusion community. A few hundred metres from where the ITER Tokamak Complex is rising, a fusion plasma will light … Read more

Strong endorsement for JET, Fusion Roadmap

Strong endorsement for JET, Fusion Roadmap This picture is a blend of computerised imagery and photography. The European Commission had established a panel of independent high-level experts to evaluate the Euratom research programme which comprises fission and fusion research. The findings, which were recently published, are more than a pat on the back for Europe’s fusion research activities, especially with … Read more