Prediction: The Private Sector Will Engineer a Fusion Breakthrough in 2016

Prediction: The Private Sector Will Engineer a Fusion Breakthrough in 2016 Matthew Heimer DECEMBER 8, 2015 Billionaire investors are speeding up the pace of energy innovation. Tri-Alpha Energy in Irvine, Calif., has reportedly raised $140 million. Photo: Courtesy of Tri-Alpha Energy The staff of Fortune recently assembled its predictions for 2016. Here’s one of our forecasts. Nuclear fusion has long tantalized humanity as a potential … Read more

Flashback: ‘We Are Definitely on the Way’ To Nuclear Fusion, Scientist Says

Flashback: ‘We Are Definitely on the Way’ To Nuclear Fusion, Scientist Says Mary Jo Nelson Published: December 12, 1982 The United States is “definitely on the way” toward achieving nuclear fusion, called the most promising alternative for freeing the developed world from dependence on imported petroleum. Former Oklahoman William B. Briggs, considered one of the world’s top authorities on nuclear fusion, says a commitment is required … Read more

Landmark ITER nuclear fusion energy test a decade away

Landmark ITER nuclear fusion energy test a decade away

THE AUSTRALIAN NOVEMBER 23, 2015 Construction of the ITER nuclear fusion project in southern France Humanity will wait 10 years for a major trial of a different form of nuclear energy regarded as a game changer in the centuries ahead. So far man-made nuclear energy has involved fission, the release of energy with the splitting … Read more

Fusion Power Could Be Here By 2020, U.K. Company Says

Fusion Power Could Be Here By 2020, U.K. Company Says

NBC/Reuters DEC 7 2015, As world leaders meet in Paris to reach a legal framework aimed at limiting use of fossil fuels and the resulting rises in global temperatures, a U.K. company says it could be as little as five years from making “reactor relevant” fusion, a potential game-changer in energy production. Fusion is how … Read more

LPP Fusion should be ready for nuclear fusion energy experiments that hopefully eliminate contamination problem by the end of December

LPP Fusion should be ready for nuclear fusion energy experiments that hopefully eliminate contamination problem by the end of December

Next Big Future December 07, 2015 LPP Focus Fusion has their progress report for December 4, 2015 Preparations for the next set of experiments are accelerating. LPPFusion has received the newly coated vacuum chamber parts back from suppliers in Ohio and NJ. The parts have been coated with titanium nitride in order to minimize the … Read more

Nuclear fusion in the shadows of clean energy debate

Nuclear fusion in the shadows of clean energy debate

SBS 6 DEC 2015 Open in a full-sized window As conventional clean power options such as wind and solar energy take focus at climate discussions in Paris, scientists around the world continue to work on a more ambitious solution to lowering emissions from energy production – nuclear fusion. For three decades, scientists from a coalition … Read more

3 Nuclear Fusion Energy Companies for Investors to Watch

3 Nuclear Fusion Energy Companies for Investors to Watch

Nanalyze December 4, 2015 At the United Nations Conference on Climate Change being held in Paris at the moment, nuclear fusion is being talked about as the ‘Holy Grail’ of clean energy technology. So what is nuclear fusion? Isn’t that what nuclear reactors are all about? Well, not quite. The nuclear reactors we use today … Read more

Bill Gates and Tech Billionaires Launch Clean Energy Coalition

Bill Gates and Tech Billionaires Launch Clean Energy Coalition

By Katherine Tweed, 3 Dec 2015 Photo: University of California Bill Gates will lead a coalition of billionaires and institutional investors to quicken the pace of private sector investment in clean energy. Gates commitment to clean energy preceded the COP21 climate change conference in Paris with the announcement of the Breakthrough Energy Coalition. Bill Gates … Read more

Paris Climate Talks: Nuclear Fusion Is The ‘Holy Grail’ Of Clean Energy Technology

Paris Climate Talks: Nuclear Fusion Is The ‘Holy Grail’ Of Clean Energy Technology

International Business Times Maria Gallucci, December 03 2015 Osamu Motojima, the general director of the nuclear fusion project ITER from July 2010 to March 2015, poses with a poster about the project in Cadarache, France, July 28, 2010. Anne-Christine Poujoulat/AFP/Getty Images On a sprawling campus in southern France, a revolutionary kind of power plant is … Read more

Postdoc in Fusion Plasma Physics Simulations

Postdoc in Fusion Plasma Physics Simulations

jobbank Frist 24. januar 2016 DTU Physics at the Technical University of Denmark invites applications for a postdoc position in the section Plasma Physics and Fusion Energy (PPFE). The PPFE section leads the Danish participation in the European fusion research activities. We operate and exploit a sophisticated diagnostic at the ASDEX Upgrade experiment. We develop … Read more