The Case for Energy Abundance

The Case for Energy Abundance

Stanford Social Innovation Review by By Rachel Pritzker Quick: Is energy use good or bad? If you’re like most people, you probably answered that it’s bad. In recent decades, government policy, environmental advocacy, and popular culture have focused on an agenda of energy reduction; we are told to consume less energy (drive less, turn off … Read more

Translational symmetry of high order tokamak flux surface shaping in gyrokinetics

Translational symmetry of high order tokamak flux surface shaping in gyrokinetics

Justin Ball, Felix I. Parra, and Michael Barnes Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics, University of Oxford, Oxford OX1 3NP, United Kingdom Culham Centre for Fusion Energy, Culham Science Centre, Abingdon OX14 3DB, United Kingdom E-mail: Abstract. A particular translational symmetry of the local nonlinear δf gyrokinetic model is demonstrated analytically and verified numerically. … Read more

General Fusion profiled for Time magazine cover story on fusion energy

General Fusion profiled for Time magazine cover story on fusion energy

Cantech Letter OCTOBER 30, 2015 BY TERRY DAWES General Fusion, a fusion reactor developer based in Burnaby, B.C., is one of several companies profiled for the cover feature of the November 2 issue of Time magazine, written by Lev Grossman, focusing on fusion energy with the headline “Unlimited Energy. For everyone. Forever. Fusion: It Might … Read more

3 Billionaires Backing Nuclear Fusion Startups

3 Billionaires Backing Nuclear Fusion Startups BY WILL YAKOWICZ Some iconic entrepreneurs have made big bets on companies trying to develop reactors that would produce massive amounts of clean energy. Getty Images Nuclear fusion holds the promise of clean, endless power for everything from cars to homes to entire cities. Unfortunately, after decades of research, government-funded scientists all over the … Read more

Start-Ups Take On Challenge of Nuclear Fusion

Start-Ups Take On Challenge of Nuclear Fusion

NY Times By DINO GRANDONIOCT. 25, 2015 Michl Binderbauer of Tri Alpha Energy, a fusion start-up. Credit Emily Berl for The New York Times A group of start-ups is promising a new and virtually unlimited source of power, one that produces none of the gases scientists say contribute to global warming. The only problem? A … Read more

Stellar work

Stellar work

Economist Oct 24th 2015 Research into fusion has gone down a blind alley, but a means of escape may now be at hand IN THE winter of 1968 three British physicists went to Moscow to examine a machine called a tokamak. This fusion reactor was a newly devised competitor to America’s approach to fusion, known … Read more

Modern Gyrokinetic Particle-In-Cell Simulation of Fusion Plasmas on Top Supercomputers

Modern Gyrokinetic Particle-In-Cell Simulation of Fusion Plasmas on Top Supercomputers Bei Wang, Stephane Ethier, William Tang, Khaled Ibrahim, Kamesh Madduri, Samuel Williams, Leonid Oliker Princeton Institute of Computational Science and Engineering, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, USA arXiv:1510.05546 [cs.DC], (19 Oct 2015) The Gyrokinetic Toroidal Code at Princeton (GTC-P) is a highly scalable and portable particle-in-cell (PIC) code. It solves the 5D Vlasov-Poisson equation featuring … Read more

Abundant, affordable energy is (almost) within our grasp

Abundant, affordable energy is (almost) within our grasp

Vancouver Sun BY RANDY SHORE OCTOBER 18, 2015 General Fusion takes a low-tech approach to a safe, clean form of nuclear energy Watch the video report on the Vancouver Sun web site. Burnaby’s General Fusion appears to inching close to a technology that could supply the world with abundant, clean energy from nuclear fusion. This … Read more