‘Skunk power’ creates confusion over nuclear fusion

BBC by Matt McGrath, Nov. 24, 2014 Lockheed Martin is working on a device that could become a compact fusion reactor Aerospace giant Lockheed Martin is doing its best to shatter my favourite science cliche. “Nuclear fusion is just 30 years away – and always will be.” The advanced projects team at Lockheed, known as … Read more

National Spherical Torus Experiment (NSTX) Getting $94M Upgrade

Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory The National Spherical Torus Experiment (NSTX), which is undergoing a $94 million upgrade that will make it the most powerful experimental fusion facility, or tokamak, of its type in the world when work is completed. Experiments will test the ability of the upgraded spherical facility to maintain a high-performance plasma under … Read more

How close are we to a nuclear fusion reactor?

Materials World Magazine Author : Eoin Redahan 01 Dec 2014 Sandia National Laboratories The idea of nuclear fusion appears otherworldly. Here is a carbon emissions-free process that produces four times more power than nuclear fission. The waste can eventually be disposed of safely, and the fuel sources – deuterium and tritium – are abundant. But … Read more

Inside the Dynomak: A Fusion Technology Cheaper Than Coal

Modifying the most common type of experimental reactor might finally make fusion power feasible By Evan Ackerman Posted 26 Nov 2014 | 16:00 GMT Photo: Michelle Ma/University of Washington Helicity Hero: A trio of “magnetic helicity injectors” are the key to the University of Washington’s HIT-SI3 fusion experiment. Fusion power has many compelling arguments in … Read more

Fusion Energy: Hope or Hype?

By David Bailey and Jonathan Borwein, Huffington Post David H. Bailey Lawrence Berkeley National Lab (retired) and University of California, Davis Jonathan M. Borwein Laureate Professor of Mathematics, University of Newcastle, Australia The IPCC Report’s Warning The latest draft edition of the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report bluntly warns that business-as-usual increases … Read more

false dawns

Hermit Abroad OCTOBER 28, 2014 To anyone worried about climate change the announcement by Lockheed Martin that it is developing a fusion reactor that will be ready for market within ten years could be seen as a cause for hope. Though I’ve yearned for this development for years, now I’m not so sure. Our technologies … Read more

Viewpoint: Magnetic Fields Lock in the Heat for Fusion

By Riccardo Betti on Physics Department of Physics and Astronomy and Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Rochester, Rochester NY 14627, USA Published October 14, 2014 | Physics 7, 105 (2014) | DOI: 10.1103/Physics.7.105 Sandia researchers demonstrate that magnetic fields help retain heat in an imploding pellet of fuel, increasing the number of fusion reactions. … Read more

Low-Cost Fusion Project Steps Out of the Shadows and Looks for Money

Low-Cost Fusion Project Steps Out of the Shadows and Looks for Money

From NBC News A hush-hush nuclear fusion project that’s received $12 million from the U.S. Navy is now sharing what it calls encouraging results — and looking for private investment. For years, EMC2 Fusion Development Corp. has had to conduct its research into what’s known as Polywell fusion outside public view because the Navy wanted … Read more

Lockheed Martin’s Fusion Energy Reactor Design Criticized, But U.S. Nuclear Power Plans Also Called ‘Unsatisfactory’

Lockheed Martin’s Fusion Energy Reactor Design Criticized, But U.S. Nuclear Power Plans Also Called ‘Unsatisfactory’

From Inquisitr Lockheed Martin’s fusion energy reactor design is drawing some heat from other scientists, although heat is said to be precisely the problem. But the Skunk Works team is not alone in receiving criticism since other U.S. fusion energy plans are being considering “unsatisfactory” by a meeting of peers. In a related report by … Read more

Scientists Are Bashing Lockheed Martin’s Nuclear Fusion ‘Breakthrough’

Scientists Are Bashing Lockheed Martin’s Nuclear Fusion ‘Breakthrough’

Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor at PPPL. From Business Insider Researchers at Lockheed Martin Corp.’s Skunk Works, announced on Wednesday their ongoing work on a new technology that could bring about functional nuclear reactors powered by fusion in the next 10 years. But most scientists and science communicators we talked to are skeptical of the claim. … Read more