29 JUNE 2016

Hawaiian Electric has partnered with energy storage and cloud-based software provider Stem to manage customer electricity demand of some of its larger energy consumers.
The utility has installed Stem’s energy monitoring equipment and software in 250 public schools within its service area.
The collaboration with Hawaiian Electric is reported to be Stem’s first deal under which it offers energy management systems to consumers, a shift from its focus in energy storage and distributed energy management solutions for utilities.
The deployment forms part of a wider initiative headed up by Stem, through its PowerScope Deployment Programme, where public schools in the state will gain access to new technology that allows them to monitor their energy usage and costs in real-time. The initiative is extended to 400 of the utility’s largest commercial and industrial energy users.
Through its PowerScope software, facilities will be able to collect and transmit real-time. This data is accessible through an interactive web-supported applications on laptops, tablets and smart phones.
Extending energy efficiency benefits
A company release states that as public schools add classroom cooling, solar power, efficient lighting and other energy efficiency equipment, balancing costs and energy use become increasingly critical. It will require active monitoring and management of high-use devices like air-conditioning systems.
Dann Carlson, assistant superintendent for the office of school facilities and support services, said: “The Hawaii State Department of Education’s heat abatement efforts depend on working with energy partners to ensure that we can cool as many classrooms as possible.
“Stem’s software, installed with the support of Hawaiian Electric, will give us the information we need to efficiently and cost-effectively add climate controls to the ultimate benefit of our students, faculty and the broader community.”
Shelee Kimura, vice president for corporate planning and business development, added: “Hawaiian Electric is committed to meeting Hawai‘i’s 100 percent renewable generation goals and continually improving the services we provide. [Round-up: Hawaii’s 100% renewable target, DR and big data]
“By working with Stem and through collaborative partnerships like that with the DOE, we will meet our goals cost-effectively and efficiently while enhancing the services available to our valued customers.”
Image credit: Shutterstock