Trend news agency By Umid Niayesh | 18 JANUARY 2016 | Baku, Azerbaijan,

Iran’s ex-president Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani hailed the recent implementation of the nuclear agreement, saying that Iran will launch a fusion-based nuclear reactor.
Rafsanjani said Iran has achieved success in fission-based nuclear science, however this is an old technology, Mehr reported Jan. 18.
“Thanks to normalization of the country’s nuclear activities, Iran can pursue more advanced technologies,” he said. “We have good achievements at the Amirkabir University of Technology and Islamic Azad University in nuclear fusion sphere.”
“It is expected that the first fusion-based nuclear reactor will be constructed soon,” added Rafsanjani.
He also said that with achievement of fusion technologies, the greenhouse gas problems in the world will get solved.
The fusion-based nuclear energy is among the safest energies in the world and its generation produces no pollution.
Generation of the fusion-based nuclear energy is similar to a process taking place in the Sun – called fusion – during which hydrogen atoms fuse and form helium under millions of degrees of heat.
Scientists have tested this method, but so far they haven’t achieved any result in controlling the huge amount of energy released during fusion for more than several seconds.
The fusion-based nuclear energy technology can also be used in producing hydrogen bombs.
Iran and the P5+1 group (the US, the UK, Russia, China, France and Germany) implemented a Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) on Jan. 16, which eliminated sanctions on the country, including the restrictions over banking sector, releasing blocked assets abroad, etc.