April 30, 2009
The Honorable Dianne Feinstein
The United States Senate
331 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington DC. 20510
Ref: Energy Independence
Dear Senator Feinstein:
I am writing you for two reasons. Firstly our company, USCL Corporation in Sacramento, CA, and our employees are represented by you in the United States Senate. I wanted you to be aware of our company’s business. We have an extremely advanced utility meter which integrates electrical, gas, and water consumption and presents the usage and rate information directly to the consumer via an in-home display. Thus, consumers are transformed from “ratepayers” into “smart consumers.” Utility customers are entitled to know how much their spending on the utility commodity at any time. Studies show this leads to conservation. Our product may be viewed at https://www.usclcorp.com A white paper by Dr. Sarah Darby of Oxford University is posted under articles and papers which shows the impact real time feedback has on conservation.
As President Obama has called for the modernization of the nation’s electrical transmission and distribution network thereby creating the “smart grid” we have brought these developments to his attention in the enclosed letter to the president.
Next, I wish to bring to your attention a technology called controlled fusion energy, which when fully developed, will do the following:
- Solves energy for eternity with virtually unlimited, inexpensive energy
- Takes global warming off the discussion table because fossil fuels are no longer used
- Solves world wide potable, distributed, water requirements of the mid century
- Fusion-fission hybrid reactors may be used to safely destroy 50 years of nuclear fission radioactive waste
This too is discussed in page three of the letter to the President as well as the letters to Secretary Chu and Governor Schwarzenegger as enclosed. President Carter began the process in 1980, however his Act was never funded and the opportunity remains for the new 2008 political leadership.
Thank you for your advocacy.
USCL Corporation
Tom D. Tamarkin
President & CEO