Fusion Science Review Board Considerations for Oversight by a Fusion Energy Consortium

Fusion Science Review Board Considerations for Oversight by a Fusion Energy Consortium

By: Irvin R. Lindemuth, Ph.D. Biography & contact info: https://science.fusion4freedom.com/lindemuth/ November 28, 2017 Rev 1.1 The “fusion” devil is in the details!! Nobel Peace laureate Andre Sakharov has been quoted by his Russian colleagues, some whom I know personally, as saying “with one (appropriate) false assumption, you can prove any theory.” In fusion, changing one … Read more



IPP Czech Academy of Sciences COMPASS-U will be a high magnetic field device with relevant plasma geometries is missing in the European fusion programme (and worldwide after the shut-down of Alcator C-MOD). The purpose of the project is to enlarge the COMPASS operational space, improve its performance and address some of the key gaps in … Read more

Decades-Long Physics Mystery Elucidated with Titan

Decades-Long Physics Mystery Elucidated with Titan

Oakridge October 16, 2017 The interior of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s (MIT’s) Alcator C-Mod tokamak. A team led by Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory’s C.S. Chang recently used the Titan supercomputer to simulate C-Mod in the first computational demonstration of a spontaneous transition of a tokamak plasma into high-confinement mode, a mode that will be … Read more

Nuclear Fusion 500 Terawatt Laser At The National Ignition Facility

Nuclear Fusion 500 Terawatt Laser At The National Ignition Facility

Canada Weekly November 24, 2017 The world’s most powerful laser system at the National Ignition Facility at Lawrence Livermore Labs can deliver an ultrashort laser pulse, 5×10^-11 seconds long, which delivers more than 500 trillion watts (terawatts or TW) of peak power and 1.85 megajoules (MJ) of ultraviolet laser light to its target. In context, … Read more

IIoT devices, services and software drive IoT market

IIoT devices, services and software drive IoT market

Metering.com 16 NOVEMBER 2017 A new report from Navigant Research has determined that global revenue for IIoT devices will total more than $1 trillion between 2017 and 2027. The report, which examines the IIoT market, providing global forecasts, segmented by region and sector, through 2027, predicts the cumulative revenue across IIoT devices, software and services. … Read more

Optimism in Bonn about fusion reactor, despite Brexit

Optimism in Bonn about fusion reactor, despite Brexit

Euro Observer 15. NOV, 2017 The ITER machine is being built in the south of France (Photo: © ITER Organization) As climate negotiators were discussing words and commas in preparation for implementing the Paris agreement at one area of the Bonn climate conference in Germany, another zone is reminiscent of a trade fair – with … Read more

Researcher Wins IAEA Nuclear Fusion Prize for Physics Insight into Reaching High-Performance Operation in Fusion Devices

Researcher Wins IAEA Nuclear Fusion Prize for Physics Insight into Reaching High-Performance Operation in Fusion Devices

IAEA NOV 15, 2017 Francois Ryter from Germany’s Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics has won the IAEA’s 2017 Nuclear Fusion Journal Prize for experimental work elucidating a mechanism that can trigger a fusion plasma (see video) to a state that allows the fusion device to operate under high performance, the journal’s Board of Editors … Read more

Channeling helium: Researchers take next step toward fusion energy

Channeling helium: Researchers take next step toward fusion energy

Texas A&M NOVEMBER 10, 2017 By: Lorian Hopcus Fusion is the process that powers the sun, harnessing it on Earth would provide unlimited clean energy. However, researchers say that constructing a fusion power plant has proven to be a daunting task, in no small part because there have been no materials that could survive the … Read more

PPPL honors Grierson and Greenough for distinguished research and engineering achievements

PPPL honors Grierson and Greenough for distinguished research and engineering achievements

PPPL November 13, 2017 Physicist Brian Grierson and engineer Nevell Greenough A breakthrough in the development of fusion diagnostics and the creative use of radio frequency waves to heat the plasma that fuels fusion reactions earned the 2017 outstanding research and engineering awards from the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL). … Read more

A blanket to fuel fusion

A blanket to fuel fusion

Eurofusion November 8th 2017 Harnessing the energy generated by a fusion reactor while simultaneously generating more tritium fuel to sustain the reaction is no easy task. However, that is what is required from a blanket, the enormous structure that lines the outside of the first wall. ENERGY CAPTURE The energy given off in a fusion … Read more