Links Day 2017: Jo Johnson stresses Government commitment to science and announces funding for nuclear fusion project

Links Day 2017: Jo Johnson stresses Government commitment to science and announces funding for nuclear fusion project

Royal Society of Biology 28 June 2017 The biggest science policy event in the Parliamentary calendar heard from Jo Johnson MP that the UK Government will continue to underwrite the Joint European Torus (JET) project post Brexit. Jo Johnson MP announces the UK Government will continue to fund JET post-brexit (photo: RSB) The announcement came … Read more

UK willing to keep funding EU nuclear fusion project after Brexit

UK willing to keep funding EU nuclear fusion project after Brexit

EUactiv Jun 27, 2017 Inside the JET facility. [EUROfusion] The British government said on Tuesday (27 June) it would continue to fund a collaborative nuclear fusion project with the European Union to 2020 if the bloc extends Britain’s contract to host the facility beyond 2018. The Joint European Torus (JET) project, located in southeast England … Read more

The Appalling Delusion of 100 Percent Renewables, Exposed

The Appalling Delusion of 100 Percent Renewables, Exposed

National Review by Robert Bryce June 24, 2017 The National Academy of Science refutes Mark Jacobson’s dream that our economy can run exclusively on ‘green’ energy.. Installing solar panels on a home in San Diego, Calif. (Reuters photo: Mike Blake) The idea that the U.S. economy can be run solely with renewable energy — a … Read more

Nuclear Fusion: Sustainable Energy From Plasma Hotter than the Sun Edges Closer

Nuclear Fusion: Sustainable Energy From Plasma Hotter than the Sun Edges Closer

Newsweek By Hannah Osborne On 6/22/17 The prospect of fusion energy—a potentially limitless and clean source of power—has just edged a little closer. Scientists believe they have solved a fundamental problem with building reactors that produce fusion power. Nuclear fusion produces energy in the same way as the sun and stars, combining lightweight atomic nuclei … Read more

Predhiman Krishan Kaw, father of India’s nuclear fusion, dies

Predhiman Krishan Kaw, father of India’s nuclear fusion, dies

Times of India Jun 20, 2017 Padma Shri Prof Predhiman Krishan KawPadma Shri Prof Predhiman Krishan Kaw Highlights Prof Predhiman Krishan Kaw was the founder director of Institute for Plasma Research (IPR), Gandhinagar The institute catapulted India to being one among the seven member entities that is building the world’s largest fusion experiment AHMEDABAD: The … Read more

Deceleration of runaway electrons paves the way for fusion power

Deceleration of runaway electrons paves the way for fusion power June 21, 2017 Although the vacuum chamber in the British fusion reactor JET has a wall made of solid metal, it can melt if it gets hit by a beam of runaway electrons. It is these runaway elementary particles that doctoral students Linnea Hesslow and Ola Embréus have successfully identified and decelerated. Fusion power … Read more

The magnetic appeal of fusion technology

The magnetic appeal of fusion technology

Europa 31 March 2017 Nuclear fusion could, potentially, solve our energy problems once and for all, but we’re not quite there yet. However, we are already reaping benefits from the research. Technology development for ITER, for example, generates new know-how with possible applications in industry. It has inspired world-leading innovation for a type of analytical … Read more

Importance of fusion to sustainable clean energy highlighted by several Governments during international energy ministerial conference

Importance of fusion to sustainable clean energy highlighted by several Governments during international energy ministerial conference

Fusion for Energy 19 June 2017 The European Commission Vice-President for Energy Union, Maroš Šefcovic, highlighted the importance of fusion during his keynote speech during the plenary ministerial dialogue at the ministerial conference “Meeting the Challenge of Sustainable Energy”. Fusion is the only long-term sustainable base-load energy solution – this message came across during the … Read more