S. Korea to Work on Power Generation Based on Nuclear Fusion Energy

S. Korea to Work on Power Generation Based on Nuclear Fusion Energy

Business Korea SEOUL,KOREA 25 April 2017 Cho Jin-young The South Korean government has set up and implemented its five-year plans in order to be capable of building nuclear fusion power plants by 2041. On April 21, the Ministry of Science, ICT & Future Planning of South Korea released its third five-year plan for the development … Read more

Interest in nuclear fusion has risen immensely

Interest in nuclear fusion has risen immensely

Die Welt 10.04.2017 The experimental reactor Iter is intended to solve mankind’s energy problems. According to Director General Bernard Bigot more and more countries want to join. But they all share one concern. Nuclear fusion reactors could solve mankind’s energy problems as it is clean and safe. Yet the big problem is that so far … Read more

Chinese, Australian universities signs MoU on fusion energy researches

Chinese, Australian universities signs MoU on fusion energy researches

Xinhua 2017-04-12 Representatives of the Australian National University (ANU) and the University of South China (USC) sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on research collaboration on fusion energy technology on ANU campus in Canberra, Australia, April 12, 2017. As the first project under the MoU, the ANU has agreed to provide the USC with its … Read more

Computer simulations of DIII-D experiments shed light on mysterious plasma flows

Computer simulations of DIII-D experiments shed light on mysterious plasma flows

PPPL April 5, 2017 Simulation of plasma turbulence generating positive (red) and negative (blue) residual stress that drives rotation shear. (inset) Comparison between measured and simulated rotation profile. Image courtesy of W.X. Wang. Researchers at the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL) and General Atomics have simulated a mysterious self-organized flow … Read more

Brexit brings nuclear (con)fusion

Brexit brings nuclear (con)fusion

Politico By SARA STEFANINI 3/29/17 The €13 billion International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) is under construction in France | ITER CULHAM, England — Just as European scientists here gear up to put decades of experiments to the test and try to bottle up the nuclear reaction that powers every star in the universe, Brexit is … Read more

A Dream of Clean Energy at a Very High Price

A Dream of Clean Energy at a Very High Price

New York Times HENRY FOUNTAINMARCH 27, 2017 Source: ITER Organization Mika Gröndahl/The New York Times SAINT-PAUL-LEZ-DURANCE, France — At a dusty construction site here amid the limestone ridges of Provence, workers scurry around immense slabs of concrete arranged in a ring like a modern-day Stonehenge. It looks like the beginnings of a large commercial power … Read more