Stealing the fire of the Gods or realising fusion energy

Stealing the fire of the Gods or realising fusion energy

Eurofusion October 19th 2016 The current environmental concerns lead us to look for cleaner, safer and more efficient ways in which to produce power. We are in constant growth and our technological lifestyles are increasingly demanding for more energy. In addition to sustainable power from renewable sources, scientists want to find a solution which employs … Read more

First results of NSTX-U research operations presented at the International Atomic Energy Agency Conference in Kyoto, Japan

First results of NSTX-U research operations presented at the International Atomic Energy Agency Conference in Kyoto, Japan

PPPL By John Greenwald | October 24, 2016 The new NSTX-U center stack central magnet that doubles the magnetic field and plasma current, left, and an image of NSTX-U H-mode plasma. Researchers from the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratories (PPPL) and collaborating institutions presented results from research on the National Spherical … Read more

MIT researchers make great discovery regarding nuclear fusion

MIT researchers make great discovery regarding nuclear fusion

Element Community by Cabe Atwell | Oct 24, 2016 MIT researchers make great strides to nuclear fusion produced energy on the Alcator C-Mod tokamak’s final day of operation. The Alcator C-Mod tokamak reactor has been running for 23 years. (Photo from MIT) With a society now highly conscious of what it puts into the environment, … Read more

ARC Divertor Design Class Final Presentation

ARC Divertor Design Class Final Presentation

Following on the success of the first iteration of the ARC fusion reactor design class, Professor Dennis Whyte, director of MIT’s Plasma Science and Fusion Center, has led a new team of students to create a viable solution for the heat exhaust system on ARC. Presented in this video is the vision for what this … Read more

High-intensity fusion

High-intensity fusion

MIT Meg Murphy | School of Engineering October 14, 2016 MIT’s Alcator C-Mod nuclear reactor winds down — and defines its legacy on its final run. Alex Tingly (right), a graduate student in the Department of Physics, and senior research scientist Earl Marmar, head of the Alcator C-Mod project since 2002, review data on synchrotron … Read more

University of Malta researchers contribute toward world’s largest nuclear fusion reactor

University of Malta researchers contribute toward world’s largest nuclear fusion reactor

Independent (Malta) 13 October 2016 Researchers at the University of Malta are contributing toward the construction of the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER), a €20 billion nuclear fusion reactor that aims to ‘ignite a star on Earth for energy’. The reactor, known as a tokamak, is being constructed in Cadarache, France and it will be … Read more

New record for fusion

New record for fusion

MIT Plasma Science and Fusion Center October 14, 2016 Alcator C-Mod tokamak nuclear fusion reactor sets world record on final day of operation. The interior of the fusion experiment Alcator C-Mod at MIT recently broke the plasma pressure record for a magnetic fusion device. The interior of the donut-shaped device confines plasma hotter than the … Read more

Illinois utility accelerated AMI rollout plan approved

Illinois utility accelerated AMI rollout plan approved 4 OCTOBER 2016 In the US, the Illinois Commerce Commission approved Ameren Illinois’ revised smart grid AMI deployment plan. In 2012, the Missouri-based power company received approval from the Illinois Commerce Commission for its advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) deployment plan, which provided for, among other things, deployment of AMI to 62% of the company’s … Read more

US left with just one working fusion reactor — for now

US left with just one working fusion reactor — for now Jeff Tollefson | 30 September 2016 Design flaw may have doomed machine at Princeton Plasma Physics Lab. The experimental fusion reactor at the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory is shaped like a cored apple. A tough year just got tougher for US fusion researchers. The country’s flagship experimental fusion reactor has broken down, less than … Read more