NASA funds Direct Drive Fusion Propulsion

NASA funds Direct Drive Fusion Propulsion

Next Big Future April 12, 2016 The Direct Fusion Drive (DFD) concept provides game-changing propulsion and power capabilities that would revolutionize interplanetary travel. DFD is based on the Princeton Field-Reversed Configuration (PFRC) fusion reactor under development at the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory. The mission context we are proposing is delivery of a Pluto orbiter with … Read more

Milankovitch cycles

Milankovitch cycles

Encyclopedia of Earth Published: July 7, 2010, 4:09 pm Updated: August 1, 2012, 12:53 pm Author: Jeffrey Lee Topic Editor: Stephen J. Reid Source: UCAR – METED Milankovitch cycles refer to long term variations in the orbit of the Earth which result in changes in climate over periods hundred of thousands of years and are … Read more

The Energy Race: Oil, Nuclear, Renewables

The Energy Race: Oil, Nuclear, Renewables Asad Hussain 08 APRIL 2016 It is an industry that dominates news outlets and dictates discourse of the current political environment. We are constantly told that we are in the midst of an oncoming energy crisis: our fossil fuel reserves are limited. Yet, fossil fuels are what we fundamentally rely upon. From major ventures … Read more

New device improves tokamak efficiency

New device improves tokamak efficiency

The Engineer 7th April 2016 Scientists at the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL) have designed a new device that uses liquid lithium to improve the performance of tokamaks. The white-hot limiter glowing in contact with the plasma (Credit: J.S. Hu) Known as a liquid lithium limiter, it circulates the molten metal around the tokamak walls, … Read more

Prosecuting climate chaos skeptics with RICO

Prosecuting climate chaos skeptics with RICO

By Paul Driessen April 3, 2016 Al Gore, Torquemada Whitehouse, Democrat AGs threaten to silence and bankrupt skeptics It’s been a rough stretch for Climate Armageddon religionists and totalitarians. Real World science, climate and weather events just don’t support their manmade cataclysm narrative. The horrid consequences of anti-fossil fuel energy policies are increasingly in the … Read more

Energy Game Proposal

Energy Game Proposal

Power R Future Resource-Based Energy Simulation and Modeling Game Proposal 1 Copyright 2015-2016 | Proprietary to development team | All rights reserved The US Energy Problem in 2009 2 Copyright 2015-2016 | Proprietary to development team | All rights reserved The US Energy Problem in 2015 »EPA projects 180 GW of electric generation … Read more

Highlight Seminar: Ned Sauthoff, Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Highlight Seminar: Ned Sauthoff, Oak Ridge National Laboratory ABSTRACT Fusion powers the stars. By combining nuclei, fusion liberates more than a million times more energy per pound of fuel than by chemical reactions. The abundance of geographically dispersed fuel, combined with safety and environmental advantages, motivates the pursuit of controlled fusion as a possible source of power. A barrier to fusion reactions … Read more

Finding the funding for fusion energy

Finding the funding for fusion energy

E&E Publishing Madelyn Beck, March 29, 2016 The threat of climate change has spurred more love from Congress for energy technology, but the love only goes so far. An energy source that promises to be the cleanest, most compact, most resource-friendly of them all is faced with a reception similar to a toddler getting a … Read more

Why Nuclear Fusion Is Always 30 Years Away

Why Nuclear Fusion Is Always 30 Years Away

Discover By Nathaniel Scharping | March 23, 2016 The Joint European Torus tokamak generator, as seen from the inside. (Credit: EUROfusion) Nuclear fusion has long been considered the “holy grail” of energy research. It represents a nearly limitless source of energy that is clean, safe and self-sustaining. Ever since its existence was first theorized in … Read more