Mira supercomputer simulations give a new “edge” to fusion research

Mira supercomputer simulations give a new “edge” to fusion research

Argonne National Laboratory Katie Jones January 19, 2016 Developed from simulations on the Mira supercomputer at ALCF, this image shows trapped (left cross-section) and passing (right cross-section) electrons carried in the bootstrap current of a tokamak, which is in contrast to the previous understanding that the bootstrap current is carried by passing particles only. Based … Read more

New finding may explain heat loss in fusion reactors

New finding may explain heat loss in fusion reactors

MIT News David L. Chandler | MIT News Office | January 21, 2016 A view inside the Alcator C-Mod tokamak. Courtesy of the Plasma Science and Fusion Center/MIT Solving a longstanding mystery, MIT experiments reveal two forms of turbulence interacting. For the first time, simulations of realistic plasmas have demonstrated the coexistence of large turbulent … Read more

Argentina: from Huemul island fusion fraud to physics fortune

Argentina: from Huemul island fusion fraud to physics fortune

IET 18 August 2015 By Katia Moskvitch Ronald Richter built a huge concrete bunker to house his experiments It was arguably the scientific fraud of the century, but a hugely expensive failed project to create energy from nuclear fusion laid the foundation for Argentina’s success in physic. The ruins are ghostly, silent. The crumbling buildings … Read more

Swiss statement for international fusion exchange

Swiss statement for international fusion exchange

Eurofusion December 10th 2015 Together with Minh Quang Tran, the former CRPP Director (on the left), the current Director of the Swiss Plasma Center, Ambrogio Fasoli (rightmost) reveals the new name of the institute in Lausanne. Thomas Rizzo (Dean of the EPFL Faculty of Basic Sciences), Bruno Moor (Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Research and … Read more

A Star-Powered Future?

A Star-Powered Future?

The Discerning Physicist January 17, 2016 Nuclear fusion, the power source of the stars, seems like the perfect solution to all of our energy problems. It has an abundant fuel, produces no greenhouse gases and has an efficiency four million times greater than that of burning fossil fuels. Unfortunately, problems arise when we are faced … Read more

Nuclear Fusion is the Energy of the Future and Here’s Why

Nuclear Fusion is the Energy of the Future and Here’s Why

Inspire52 Rey Vergara Jan. 13, 2016 The world is adversely changing, and it seems like the future of our children are bleak at best. Humans have abused Mother Nature to the point that it has endangered our possibility of a better tomorrow. Climate change has been accelerated due to man’s non-stop usage of fossil fuels … Read more

Plasma 2015: Lighten the fourth state of matter for fusion

Plasma 2015: Lighten the fourth state of matter for fusion

euro plasma December 10th 2015 “After this discussion, it seems, we understand plasma better and we are closer to the technological applications of it” – summarised Andrzej Gałkowski, Director of the Institute of Plasma Physics and Laser Microfusion (IPPLM) at the closing ceremony of the International Conference on Research and Applications of Plasmas. The conference … Read more

Calculations Run at NERSC Create 3D Simulations of Fusion Plasmas

Calculations Run at NERSC Create 3D Simulations of Fusion Plasmas

NERSC JANUARY 4, 2016 Contact: Kathy Kincade, kkincade@lbl.gov, 510-495-2124 A cross-section of the virtual plasma showing where the magnetic field lines intersect the plane. The central section has field lines that rotate exactly once. Image: Stephen Jardin A cross-section of the virtual plasma showing where the magnetic field lines intersect the plane. The central section … Read more

China: Govt to train 2,000 fusion experts

By Chen Jia (China Daily) Updated: 2011-05-26 07:56 Republished here on Jan. 5, 2016 BEIJING – China is planning to train 2,000 skilled experts to carry out research and development into a promising form of nuclear fusion that could become a major new source of power. The scientists and technicians will lead the nation’s exploration … Read more

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