15 MAY 2017

In the US, the Public Service Company of New Mexico (PNM) selected Enbala Power Networks for the management of its 2018 demand response programme.
In a statement, PNM said the distributed energy resource technology firm agreed to administer the utility’s Peak Saver demand response initiative in 2018 once the programme is approved by the New Mexico Public Regulatory Commission.
Enbala Power Networks will be responsible for managing the programme’s current 15MW of demand response capacity as well as market the programme to add additional capacity from the utility’s industrial and commercial customers.
The solutions provider will install load control equipment, collect and analyse data regarding consumers’ energy management during peak periods to help PNM improve management of its grid network and understand the impact of the programme.
Under the Peak Saver demand response initiative, PNM will provide its industrial and commercial customers with annual incentives for reducing their energy consumption during times when demand is high in summer.
PNM wrote to the New Mexico Public Regulatory Commission that Enbala Power Networks will, “update the existing program[me]s to realise benefits of advances in technology.”
It continued: “Since the introduction of PNM’s current programs over nine years ago, communications, load control technology and program experience have advanced, and more devices can be controlled, load response is faster and more flexible, and system operations can monitor curtailments in near real time.”
The programme is part of efforts by PNM to improve its portfolio of demand-side management technologies and resources to increase integration of DERs including battery storage, distributed generation, smart inverters and electric vehicle systems with the grid network.
Rollout of demand response initiative
The news follows PNM’s signing of another demand response contract in early April.
In a combined statement, the utility said it signed the contract with the aim of saving up to 60MW of energy capacity during peak periods over a period of five years.
The demand response initiative will also begin in 2018 and will target residential and small business customers once it secures regulatory approval.
Image credit: 123rf.