17 JUNE 2016

The SGIP has published the new ANSI/ASHRAE/NEMA Standard 201P which affords electrical energy consumers the opportunity to participate in smart grid networks.
The ANSI/ASHRAE/NEMA Standard 201P, also known as the ‘Facility Smart Grid Information Model’ (FSGIM), builds on and makes use of several other related standards applicable to the smart grid. [SGIP bags federal funds of US$2.1m for grid modernisation]
The SGIP was a collaborator in the development of the Facility Smart Grid Information Model, which is a standard that is packaged with a user’s manual. Other partners to its development include the National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) and ASHRAE (a society advancing the arts and sciences of heating, ventilation, air-conditioning and refrigeration).
According to a company release, the Standard 201P ‘Facility Smart Grid Information Model’ provides a way to model real building systems as a combination of four abstract components: loads, generators, meters and energy managers.
The model enables numerous capabilities including: On-site generation management, demand response, electrical storage management, peak demand management, forward power usage estimation, load shedding capability estimation, end load monitoring (sub-metering), power quality of service monitoring, use of historical energy consumption data and direct load control.
Meeting smart grid requirements
The release goes onto explain that a “‘facility’ in the context of this standard can be a single-family house, a commercial or institutional building, a manufacturing or industrial building or multiple buildings such as a college campus.”
It adds that there are varied control technologies used in these facilities with standards to support them. The 201P FSGIM provides a common framework to guide the development of these control technologies so that they can meet the control needs of a smart grid environment.
The standard forms part of SGIP’s Priority Action Plan 17 and was approved by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) approved the standard in early May 2016.
Aaron Smallwood, director of technology operations for SGIP, said: “SGIP’s Priority Action Plan (PAP) process is designed to identify standard gaps or needs and to facilitate the development, discussion, and recommendations for Smart Grid-related standards to advance grid modernisation.
“We’re pleased that the FSGIM PAP17 resulted in the development and approval of ASHRAE/NEMA Standard 201, and that we now have the opportunity to review Standard 201 for inclusion in SGIP’s Catalog of Standards.”
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