EnergyCite® & USCL Corp have entered into an agreement to sponsor Christine Lakatos and her Green Corruption Files. Since 2012, Ms. Lakatos has been researching and writing about issues regarding corruption in the U.S. government and business world related to green & “renewable” energy and its principal driver, AGW-climate change. Over 70 detailed well researched articles have been written. Initially these were published on Ms. Lakatos’s blog site. EnergyCite® is now in the process of republishing the entire series of articles for inclusion in its Fuel R Future and Fusion 4 Freedom websites as well as her https://www.greencorruption.com new website sponsored by us.
Find out more about the Green Corruption Files
This is an extensive project as we are also developing a relational database for the series of articles. Articles will be published from most recent to earliest. The speed at which this will be completed is dependent on resource allocation and funding.
In the interim a complete list of her articles follows with a link to her blog. Following the link to her blog takes you off our site however you should be able to back arrow to this page.
Color Key:
Green Corruption Files Favorites
Back to the Future: A sneak peek into Hillary Clinton’s climate change cronies
Climate Change: The Obama Regime’s never-ending fear mongering campaign
Ebola: Solyndra is dead and politics is alive
Liberal Billionaire Tom Steyer: Dems’ ‘Cash for Climate Change’
SolarCity: Subsidizing the Left’s ‘green’ millionaires and billionaires
Clean Energy; Dirty Money: Green Corruption in Review (UPDATED)
Abengoa Atrocities, the Sequel: California Mojave Solar Project is ‘dangerous,’ engineers assert
Clean Energy, Dirty Money: Green corruption in review
The RAT in the Recovery and the Gang of Ten
Virginia Governor Dem Candidate Terry McAuliffe’s GreenTech Auto: small eco-car, big green scam?
Subsidizing Obama’s Algae: Its advisors and allies
Nuclear Crimes and Misdemeanors
The Green Corruption Files Snags Special Gig on AACONS’ Radio Broadcast
Americans Bothered By the Way our Government Spends Taxes: Billions Burned on Obama’s Green Energy
Left-wing Billionaire George Soros: Obama’s “Agent of Green”
Wall Street Walks all over the Obama White House
Citigroup’s Massive ‘Green’ Money Machine
Big Wind Energy Subsidies: A Hurricane of Carnage, Cronyism and Corruption
Climate Hawk Senator John Kerry and His Green Inside Deals
Green Bank of Obama: John Doerr and Al Gore of Kleiner Perkins score billions in ‘green funds’
Busting Open Obama Energy Department’s Den of Deception
BREAKING: Newly Released House Oversight Emails Incriminate White House in Green-Energy Loan Lies
Green Alert: Tracking President Obama’s green energy failures
Where are the 5 Million Green Jobs Candidate Obama Promised?
Special Report Part Two: Obama, the Green Loser; Cronyism Inc.
Special Report Part One: Obama, the Green Loser; Cronyism Inc.
Obama’s Green Cronies Made DNC Cameo: Bundlers and Big Donors Tied to Billions of Stimulus Funds
Beacon Bust Tied to Obama Bundler and VP Hunter, the Infamous Washington Fixture, James A. Johnson
How Democrats Say “Crony Corruption” in Spanish: Abengoa UPDATED VERSION
The First Solar Three Billion Dollar Swindle
Senator Harry Reid’s Part in Green-Energy Crony-Corruption, Part Three of The Special Seven
General Electric Making “Bank” off Obama’s “Green” Stimulus Money; Over $3 Billion and Counting
Shining the Light on BrightSource Energy’s $1.6 Billion Shady DOE Deal: Special Seven, Part Two
Obama’s Green-Energy, Crony-Corruption Story – Special Seven, Part 1 Expanded Version
Lou Dobbs “Shocks” Bill O’Reilly on the Severity of Obama DOE Crony Capitalism
BREAKING: NRG Energy on the DOE Cronyism Hot Seat, Also Tied to George Soros
BREAKING: BrightSource Energy Political Influence and Their $1.6 Billion DOE Loan
Green Corruption: Department of Energy “Junk Loans” and Cronyism –– Intro
Green Corruption: The Plot Thickens