June 24, 2016
Mr. Warren Buffet, CEO
Berkshire Hathaway Inc.
3555 Farnam Street
Suite 1440
Omaha, NE 68131
Note: A digital PDF with active hypertext links of this letter is enclosed on USB drive; on-line as private document at: https://fusion4freedom.com/warrenbuffetletter/
Dear Warren:
As a financially conservative and frugal Hollywood entertainer, I have invested our family’s money wisely. Long ago, I insisted my broker buy Berkshire at $7500 a share. He thought I was crazy..till it went to over $125K, and I bought Berkshire B’s. You may remember I told you this when we met and chatted at the Alfalfa Club meeting a couple years ago. Recently I read your letter to Berkshire Hathaway shareholders. Your mention of Pascal’s wager and climate change probability caught my eye.
I have recently returned to the US from my 15th trip to Israel where I was given an award in Jerusalem by the Friends of Zion Museum based on my strong support of Israel over many years and on my song “This Land is Mine” set to the music of the movie Exodus. A day later I performed a concert in Tel Aviv. I am well aware of your investment activities in Israel over the years.
I am now involved as co-founder, spokesperson, and investor in a company called EnergyCite®.
Our intent is to form a utility industry consortium and to build a very strong recurring revenue stream based on our granted US & Israeli patents on the utility smart meter, energy control, and customer billing. Today there is an installed base of over 60 million smart meters in the electrical utility industry. That will grow to close to 100 Million by 2020. Our method & system patent claims cover the use of them. Berkshire Hathaway’s NV Energy and MidAmerican Energy use these meters.
And as you know, the U. S. DOE has encouraged utilities to provide smart meters to most every home and small business in America. Our smart meter technology will allow Microsoft products such as the Xbox to “talk with” the smart meters and utility and automate energy use in the home using the new Microsoft Azure “cloud services” product and their Cortana artificial intelligence to do a better job than Google with their Nest Labs smart thermostats. We wrote a generic white paper for Microsoft published on-line which covers these important matters.
We are developing the PowerMasters™ video game series which work in conjunction with utility smart meters based on the existing and pending patents. The PowerMasters™ game series will be unique. They will be fun, exciting, and engaging. Their mission is to teach children and adults alike the fundamentals of energy and science. The general public and politicians have little knowledge or interest in what energy is and how it works.
The games will be used as a strategic marketing tool to promote our subscriber side billing, cash collections, and payments transfer business. We turn each smart meter into a point of sale terminal and provide the means for the customer to make payments on a “pay as you go” basis to the utility. Our money is made from a transaction fee every time a payment is made.
This will generate hundreds of millions of dollars per year. Much of that will be invested in energy development in ways the government is incapable of. Our PowerMasters™ Game Elevator Pitch sums up the need, opportunity, and plan.
None other than your friend and business associate, Bill Gates, has been calling for “an energy miracle.” Bill points out the fact that solar and wind can never provide material amounts of baseload power. Bill chose to use the quest for an “energy miracle” and the need to educate the public on energy matters in his recent annual “open letter” with Melinda. Furthermore Bill has been the driving force behind the Breakthrough Energy Coalition.
I would like your help in arranging a short meeting between my EnergyCite® co-founder Tom Tamarkin and Bill. We believe Bill & Melinda would be very excited about our PowerMasters™ educational game project and would be willing to sponsor it financially through their foundation. We would like the foundation to match dollar for dollar what we raise in our crowd funding Kickstarter campaign.
Please forward this letter by email to Bill Gates; a digital copy is enclosed on USB drive.
We also need your help and endorsement along with Bill’s in getting the cooperation of Intellectual Ventures (I V) to be our Intellectual Property partner regarding the licensing of the patents. This needs to be done at the Nathan Myhrvold level. Our objective is to launch the consortium and flex our IP strength in the industry without the use of early litigation against the utility industry which in this case is counterproductive. I V can help us get that done. From a business standpoint this will be a lucrative win-win for everyone.
We understand the value of a dollar and have a very parsimonious plan to move the project forward. This, in part, involves an extremely professionally designed and managed crowd funding campaign which will provide the bulk of the needed working capital and early product marketing as well.
We have structured our current capital needs as a simple high yield convertible bond or company notes secured by the patents. The funders get their money back as a repayment of the note or it may be converted into company common stock as disclosed in the Private Placement Offering Memorandum. The offering memo is on-line under Investors on our EnergyCite website. But again our focus with Bill Gates is the foundation and their willingness to match our crowd funding raise. Bill can assess the merits instantly and it is important that we meet him directly as opposed to becoming caught up in the network of “gatekeepers.”
Our plans are laid out in great detail on our website. The current website has been set up primarily for investors and partners and has been designed to make due diligence simple given the complex nature of the business. Bill and Melinda will especially appreciate our “Underlying Principles & Premise” section under Energy Games on the home page menu.
I will call your office in a few days to discuss this further. I know this is asking a lot of you–but we are both older (I’m a healthy 82), and we need to help as many people as we can, while we can. The future of energy is a big issue to Bill Gates and his vision to engage the public and develop a passion for the science in today’s youth is an important issue to Bill. He will very much appreciate what we are doing for the future of mankind and the planet.
Thank you for your help.
Pat Boone