German physicists see landmark in nuclear fusion quest December 10, 2015 Scientists on December 10, 2015 reported a landmark success at the Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics in Germany, where physicists generated a superheated helium plasma in a vacuum vessel for one-tenth of a second Scientists in Germany said Thursday they had reached a milestone in a quest to derive energy … Read more

A new fusion collaboration for MIT

MIT Plasma Science and Fusion Center, December 10, 2015 Members of the MIT Plasma Science and Fusion Center celebrate first operations of the world’s largest fusion experiment, Wendelstein 7-X. MIT collaborators (l-r) Eric Edlund, Professor Miklos Porkolab, Seung-Gyou Baek, and Jim Terry flank a graphic of the new Wendelstein 7-X stellarator. Photo: Paul Rivenberg Members … Read more

Can fusion energy be achieved?

Thought Leader BERT OLIVIER November 30, 2015 Lev Grossman (“Star Power”, in Time, November 2, p. 24-33) calls fusion the “holy grail” of “the quest for clean energy”, and with good reason — it is as elusive as the proverbial unicorn in your garden (with apologies to James Thurber). By this I mean that, although … Read more

Prediction: The Private Sector Will Engineer a Fusion Breakthrough in 2016 Matthew Heimer DECEMBER 8, 2015 Billionaire investors are speeding up the pace of energy innovation. Tri-Alpha Energy in Irvine, Calif., has reportedly raised $140 million. Photo: Courtesy of Tri-Alpha Energy The staff of Fortune recently assembled its predictions for 2016. Here’s one of our forecasts. Nuclear fusion has long tantalized humanity as a potential … Read more

Landmark ITER nuclear fusion energy test a decade away

THE AUSTRALIAN NOVEMBER 23, 2015 Construction of the ITER nuclear fusion project in southern France Humanity will wait 10 years for a major trial of a different form of nuclear energy regarded as a game changer in the centuries ahead. So far man-made nuclear energy has involved fission, the release of energy with the splitting … Read more

Fusion Power Could Be Here By 2020, U.K. Company Says

NBC/Reuters DEC 7 2015, As world leaders meet in Paris to reach a legal framework aimed at limiting use of fossil fuels and the resulting rises in global temperatures, a U.K. company says it could be as little as five years from making “reactor relevant” fusion, a potential game-changer in energy production. Fusion is how … Read more

LPP Fusion should be ready for nuclear fusion energy experiments that hopefully eliminate contamination problem by the end of December

Next Big Future December 07, 2015 LPP Focus Fusion has their progress report for December 4, 2015 Preparations for the next set of experiments are accelerating. LPPFusion has received the newly coated vacuum chamber parts back from suppliers in Ohio and NJ. The parts have been coated with titanium nitride in order to minimize the … Read more