Take a bow for the new revolution

By Paul Driessen July 18, 2015 Americans are less inclined to be fooled again, or to “smile and grin at the change all around” From the outset, President Obama directed his powerful government agencies and congressional allies to help him “fundamentally transform” the United States. Too many of them were eager to nationalize the nation’s … Read more

Ethanol and biodiesel: Guilty as charged

By Paul Driessen July. 12, 2015 Bogus biofuel trading costs us millions – while the absurd biofuel program costs us billions Two notorious crooks are helping us wrap up another sordid episode in the saga of the United States biofuel mandates, while further highlighting how bungled and long past its expiration date the program is. … Read more

Obama and EPA imperil minority welfare

By Paul Driessen July 7, 2015 “Clean Power Plan” would bring imaginary benefits – and real health and welfare damage The Obama Environmental Protection Agency and environmental activists frequently claim that climate change will disproportionately affect poor and minority communities. In their view, this justifies unprecedented environmental regulations, like EPA’s pending “Clean Power Plan” (CPP) … Read more

The green mirage – and con job

By Paul Driessen and Tom Tamarkin June 25, 2015 Musk, Schmidt, Simons and billionaire buddies build empire based on climate and energy BS Elon Musk and his fellow barons of Climate Crisis, Inc. recently got a huge boost from Pope Francis. Musk et al. say fossil fuels are causing unprecedented warming and weather disasters. The … Read more

Putin and Buffett’s war on U.S. pipelines

By Paul Driessen June 6, 2015 Billionaires use secretive foundations to finance anti-pipeline protests – and get even richer Abundant, reliable, affordable oil and natural gas empower people. They support job creation, mobility, modern agriculture, homes and hospitals, computers and communications, lights and refrigerators, life and study after sundown, indoor plumbing, safe drinking water, less … Read more

Bee facts changed – green agendas did not

By Paul Driessen May 16, 2015 Activists and White House appear ready to present new justifications for unjustified policies The White House finally appears ready to announce conclusions and policy recommendations from the Pollinator Task Force it appointed a year ago. Environmentalist groups eagerly await the decision. After clamoring and campaigning for years for government … Read more

The Iceman Cometh?

By Paul Driessen May 10, 2015 Could a quiescent sun portend a new little ice age: a chilly era for humanity and agriculture? President Obama, Al Gore and other alarmists continue to prophesy manmade global warming crises, brought on by our “unsustainable” reliance on fossil fuels. Modelers like Mike Mann and Gavin Schmidt conjure up … Read more

Silencing skeptics, conservatives and free speech

By Paul Driessen May 2, 2015 Congressional Democrats and Vatican join White House and Leftist assaults on basic rights Our scientific method and traditions of free speech and open debate are under assault as never before, by intolerant inquisitors in our media, universities, government agencies, and even Congress and the Vatican. They threaten our most … Read more

The Whitehouse-White House inquisition

By Paul Driessen March 22, 2015 Sen. Whitehouse says reaction to intimidation is “overheated” – but he ignores Tides Foundation abuses Senator Sheldon Whitehouse recently had a Huff-Po tantrum. The Rhode Island Democrat was miffed that people criticized him and equally liberal Senate colleagues Barbara Boxer (CA) and Ed Markey (MA) for attacking skeptics of … Read more

The Obama climate monarchy

By Paul Driessen April 12, 2015 Using the EPA, CEQ and other federal agencies to fundamentally transform America ISIS terrorists continue to butcher people while hacking into a French television network. Iran’s quest for nuclear weapons remains on track. In a nation of 320 million people, American businesses hired only 126,000 workers in March, amid … Read more