Climate alarmism is still bizarre, dogmatic, intolerant

Climate alarmism is still bizarre, dogmatic, intolerant

By Paul Driessen Feb. 19, 2018 Claims defy parody, as alarmists become more tyrannical and their policies wreak havoc Climate alarmism dominated the Obama era and run-up to Paris. But it’s at least as bizarre, dogmatic and intolerant now that: President Trump pulled the United States out of the all pain/no gain Paris climate pact; … Read more

The biofuel crony capitalist revolving door

The biofuel crony capitalist revolving door

By Paul Driessen Jan. 7, 2018 Ex-Grassley aide will now help Big Corn and Big Biodiesel retain their mandates and subsidies Yet another congressional aide is about to pass through Washington’s infamous revolving door to a lucrative private sector position. Kurt Kovarik, legislative director for Senator Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), will become vice president of federal … Read more

Virginia goes Don Quixote

Virginia goes Don Quixote

By Paul Driessen Nov. 18, 2017 State will defy Trump, double down on renewables and CO2 reductions – and hurt poor families Democrat Ralph Northam had barely won the Virginia governor’s race when his party announced it would impose a price on greenhouse gases emissions, require a 3% per year reduction in GHG emissions, and … Read more

Agitators, regulators and predators on the prowl

Agitators, regulators and predators on the prowl

By Paul Driessen Oct. 29, 2017 They’re going for a knockout and jackpot on a farm chemical, a corporation – and science Legal and scientific ethics seem to have become irrelevant, as anti-chemical agitators, regulators and trial lawyers team up on numerous lawsuits against Monsanto. They’re seeking tens of billions of dollars in jackpot justice, … Read more

DC Swamp denizens strike back

DC Swamp denizens strike back

By Paul Driessen Oct. 22, 2017 Senators and crony corporatists deep-six proposed EPA reductions in biodiesel mandates Despite what I thought were persuasive articles over the years (here, here and here, for example), corn ethanol and other biofuel mandates remain embedded in US law. As we have learned, once a government program is created, it … Read more

The Obama EPA’s crooked prosecutors

The Obama EPA’s crooked prosecutors

By Paul Driessen Oct. 16, 2017 The agency’s carbon dioxide climate “endangerment finding” was a kangaroo court process Suppose a crooked prosecutor framed someone and was determined to get a conviction. So he built an entire case on tainted, circumstantial evidence, and testimony from witnesses who had their reasons for wanting the guy in jail. … Read more

Yet another renewable energy boondoggle

Yet another renewable energy boondoggle

By Paul Driessen Aug. 31, 2017 Croplands, habitats, taxes, family budgets, safety sacrificed to enrich politically connected few? Wilkinson Solar has filed papers requesting permits for a 74-megawatt solar electricity facility about 35 miles east of Greenville, NC. If approved, 288,120 solar panels would blanket 600 acres (0.94 square miles) of now scenic, serene farmland … Read more

Life in fossil-fuel-free utopia

Life in fossil-fuel-free utopia

By Paul Driessen August 13, 2017 Life without oil, natural gas and coal would most likely be nasty, brutish and short. Al Gore’s new movie, a New York Times article on the final Obama Era “manmade climate disaster” report, and a piece saying wrathful people twelve years from now will hang hundreds of “climate deniers” … Read more

Shameless fear-mongering – versus reality

Shameless fear-mongering – versus reality

By Paul Driessen August 7, 2017 Al Gore pedals climate and weather scam. CFACT film and Aussie book present Climate Facts. Before I could enjoy a movie last week, I was forced to endure five minutes of climate and weather fear-mongering, when the theater previewed Al Gore’s “Inconvenient Sequel.” His attempt to pin every weather … Read more

Biofuel justifications are illusory

Biofuel justifications are illusory

By Paul Driessen July 30, 2017 The closest thing to earthly eternal life, President Ronald Reagan used to say, is a government program. Those who benefit from a program actively and vocally defend it, often giving millions in campaign cash to politicians who help perpetuate it, while those who oppose the program or are harmed … Read more