The hidden agendas of sustainability illusions

The hidden agendas of sustainability illusions

By Paul Driessen Feb. 5, 2017 Absurd, impractical sustainability precepts are actually a prescription for government control As President Trump downgrades the relevance of Obama era climate change and anti-fossil fuel policies, many environmentalists are directing attention to “sustainable development.” Like “dangerous manmade climate change,” sustainability reflects poor understanding of basic energy, economic, resource extraction … Read more

Safe and healthy (not pristine) air

Safe and healthy (not pristine) air

By Paul Driessen Jan. 16, 2017 Federal air quality rules must be based on science – not used to stifle energy and industry It’s called the Clean Air Act, but it was never intended to ensure pure, pristine air. Congress wanted America to have safe, healthy air, and regulations based on solid scientific and medical … Read more

Environmentalist insurance policies

Environmentalist insurance policies

By Paul Driessen December 19, 2016 Intellectual ammo for holiday party responses to claims that you need meteorite insurance Many liberals went into denial, outrage and riot mode after November 8. Now they’re having meltdown over President-Elect Donald Trump’s cabinet nominees with climate and environmental responsibilities: Former Texas Governor Rick Perry at Energy, Oklahoma AG … Read more

Sea level rise – or land subsidence?

Sea level rise – or land subsidence?

By Paul Driessen Dec. 11, 2016 Alarmist claims about rising seas inundating coastal areas blame the wrong culprit In his 2006 Inconvenient Truth mockumentary, Al Gore infamously predicted melting ice caps would cause oceans to rise “up to 20 feet” (6.1 meters) “in the near future.” Kevin Costner’s 1995 “action thriller” Water World presumed totally … Read more

Five stages of climate grief

Five stages of climate grief

By Paul Driessen November 27, 2016 President Trump could help – and force climate alarmists to answer questions they’ve ignored Ever since the elections, our media, schools, workplaces and houses of worship have presented stories showcasing the stages of grief: denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. Liberal-progressive snowflakes are wallowing in denial, anger and depression. … Read more

Pipeline anarchy

Pipeline anarchy

By Paul Driessen November 20, 2016 Trump win fuels more rampant theft and destruction – and North Dakota citizens pay the price Is this to be our future? Last week’s elections will soon end autocratic rule via executive fiat, the war on coal and hydrocarbons, IRS agents targeting conservative groups, government SWAT teams invading businesses … Read more

Now comes the hard, fun and vital part

Now comes the hard, fun and vital part

By Paul Driessen November 12, 2016 “Making America great again” requires deep-sixing punitive energy and environmental rules The American people have roundly rejected a third Obama term and legacy of deplorable policies that were too often imposed via executive edicts, with minimal attempts to work with Congress or the states. This election shows that hard-working … Read more

Billionaire crony corporatist schemes

Billionaire crony corporatist schemes

By Paul Driessen Oct. 31, 2016 Financing “green” companies and pressure groups, to get richer off taxpayers and consumers Shady cash from Vladimir Putin’s Russian energy oligarchs and other rich donors is being laundered through Bermuda-based lawyers and middlemen to “green” pressure groups, lobbyists and spinmeisters – to promote “green energy” schemes that bring billions … Read more

Green pixie dust energy policies

Green pixie dust energy policies

By Paul Driessen October 3, 2016 Democrats fight climate change with renewable pixie dust, while rest of world burns fossil fuels “There’s been a record six straight years of job growth, and new Census numbers show incomes have increased at a record rate after years of stagnation,” NBC Nightly News anchor Lester Holt misinformed Americans, … Read more

Powering countries, empowering people

Powering countries, empowering people

By Paul Driessen September 22, 2016 Affordable energy brings jobs, improved living standards and pursuit of happiness For 16 years, in a scene out of pre-industrial America, Thabo Molubi and his partner made furniture in South Africa’s outback, known locally as the “veld.” Lacking even a stream to turn a water wheel and machinery, they … Read more