Europe starts work on Energy Union

World Nuclear News 06 February 2015 The European Commission has launched discussion on the creation of its proposed Energy Union. The initiative, it said, aims to “reform how Europe produces, transports and consumes energy.” The European Commission announced on 4 February that work to establish the Energy Union had been launched. An “orientation debate” was … Read more

This is the next generation of renewable energy technologies

Footsteps to fusion to matter-antimatter annihilation; a fanciful look at the future of energy. Of course beyond fossil fuels there are only 3 viable means to produce material amounts of energy. Nuclear fission, fusion, and matter-antimatter annihilation. We have fission today and can make it safer and more viable. Fusion can be commercialized within 20 … Read more

Transform Every Customer into a Demand Response Resource

Introduction More and more, utilities are choosing demand response (DR) as a way to balance grid operations, lower energy prices for consumers, and integrate renewable resources like solar power. Utilities have traditionally relied on large commercial customers to achieve those results. Yet residential customers represent a huge, untapped DR resource. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission … Read more

Schneider Electric Unveils Wiser Air; Makes Move into Thinking Thermostat Market February 3, 2015 By Elisa Wood Schneider Electric today made its big move into the thinking thermostat market, with release of Wiser Air, a demand-response friendly device meant to increase interaction between utilities and their customers. Announced at DistribuTech 2015 in San Diego, Wiser Air adds to the fast-growing list of products in the … Read more

Smart thermostat market buzzes with buy outs and ‘proof’ they work

Posted by: Metering International February 4, 2015 US consumers using Nest Labs smart thermostats shaved up to US$145 off their annual heating and cooling bills, according to third-party research carried out on behalf of the Google-owned company. In a white paper released this week, Nest presents findings from three studies of how the Nest Learning … Read more

Google Scientists Admit Renewable Energy Can’t Work Junk Science: Google is literally and figuratively pulling the plug on its investment in renewable energy because the technology doesn’t work. Will its flop persuade the feds to stop dumping billions down this rat hole? Back in 2007 Google commanded star-spangled headlines with its new high-tech venture to go all in on the next … Read more

Study: Your All-Electric Car may not be so Green

AP News BY SETH BORENSTEIN AP SCIENCE WRITER WASHINGTON (AP) — People who own all-electric cars where coal generates the power may think they are helping the environment. But a new study finds their vehicles actually make the air dirtier, worsening global warming. Ethanol isn’t so green, either. “It’s kind of hard to beat gasoline” … Read more

How Obama and His Environmental Base Are Planning to Eradicate the Oil and Gas Industry

The Daily Signal By Ron Arnold “Obama is coordinating with far left environmental activists to wage an all-out assault on American oil and natural gas” (Photo: Brian Bianco/Newscom) Why does the Environmental Protection Agency’s regulatory war against hydraulic fracturing look like the Natural Resources Defense Council’s 2007 agenda for eliminating domestic oil and natural gas … Read more

More Subsidies for Big Wind

More Subsidies for Big Wind

Robert Bryce, National Review The industry says it’s cheaper than fossil fuels — then cries for subsidies. If anyone needed proof that subsidy-dependent businesses will always seek more subsidies, look no further than the U.S. wind industry. On Wednesday, the wind sector won a vote in the House on a tax bill that includes a … Read more