Unearthing Green Scams

Biomass Some renewable energy investment opportunities seem too good to be true-and occasionally they are. How can a potential investor tell a wise investment from a shell game? By Anna Austin Historically, the number of investment fraud cases in a given industry increases with the level of hype surrounding it. If it’s frequently in the … Read more

Yet another example of the “green energy” scam

Beaufort Observer Socialistic money laundering to transfer wealth to a select few August 10, 2014 Global warming, a.k.a. climate change, is the vehicle for the transfer of wealth. The fundamental characteristic of the global warming progeny is that green energy, green vehicles, green this and green that is that none of these “developments” is market … Read more

Hot air from the wind power lobby

Fincial Post Tom Adams and Ross McKitrick, Special to Financial Post | November 12, 2014 7:00 PM ET Renewable power generation, particularly wind and solar power, are key drivers behind Ontario’s surging electricity prices. Wind and solar power are key drivers behind Ontario’s surging electricity prices On Oct. 30 we published a Fraser Institute study … Read more

Demand response: US utility pilots Itron EV charging solution

metering.com US electric service provider Pepco Holdings has announced it will deploy Itron and ClipperCreek’s electric vehicle smart charging solution as part of a demand response pilot program. The utility, which serves the state of Maryland and District of Columbia, will use ClipperCreek’s charging station fitted with Itron’s Embedded Sensing technology to test plug-in vehicle … Read more

Green energy companies accused of exaggerating merits of projects

Green energy companies accused of exaggerating merits of projects

Western Morning News, UK Wind and solar farms in the Westcountry produced 9% of the counties’ electrical energy at a cost of about £35 million a year in state subsidy, according to a comprehensive new analysis of renewable energy performance. Detailed power output figures collected by the Renewable Energy Foundation and now published online have … Read more

Massive Subsidies for Wind Power a Crony Capitalist “Gift”

Massive Subsidies for Wind Power a Crony Capitalist “Gift”

November 6, 2014 by stopthesethings Ex-Rep. Istook: Wind Energy a Crony Capitalist Gift Newsfront Sean Piccoli 23 October 2014 Wealthy investors in wind power are reaping profits from an expensive — and subsidized — form of green energy that is driving up the electricity bills of ordinary Americans, a former Oklahoma congressman told Newsmax TV … Read more

LG VP describes new world of smart appliances

LG VP describes new world of smart appliances

Energy management to ride coat tails of convenience Smart Grid Today – Thursday, October 30, 2014 There’s a community in Texas where the refrigerator ice-makers only run during off-peak hours, the washers and air conditioners turn on or off with a text from a remote smartphone, and the dryers leave clothes practically ready-to-wear using 50% … Read more

When the wind doesn’t blow, the power doesn’t switch on

When the wind doesn’t blow, the power doesn’t switch on

Wind turbines can’t realistically offer us the amount of power we need, writes Terry McCrann. Picture: AP Melbourne Herald Sun ON Monday, all the wind farms in Southern Australia, all the hundreds of turbines scattered across South Australia, Victoria, New South Wales and Tasmania, altogether produced exactly zero — nothing, nada, zip, zilch — power … Read more

Downwind: A Sun News Documentary

https://www.downwindmovie.com/ DownWind is a Sun News documentary that exposes how Ontario’s green energy dreams turned into a nightmare. DOWN WIND deals head on with how Ontario politicians rammed through green energy laws and dashed forward with installation of thousands of wind turbines across the province’s farmland and countryside.

Another eagle killed – gory pictures

Save the Eagles Original article, in Swedish: https://www.natursidan.se/nyheter/bilder-fran-nar-en-havsorn-kolliderar-med-vindkraftverk/ March 12 2014 Google Translation: August Thomasson, young birder and photographer from Sösdala in central Skåne, was at his job Monday out riding in the plains west of Kristianstad. When he walked around the Vinnö meadows, along came an eagle gliding low over him. It slips away … Read more