27th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference (FEC 2018)

27th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference (FEC 2018)

IAEA 22–27 October 2018, Ahmedabad, India The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) fosters the exchange of scientific and technical results in nuclear fusion research and development through its series of Fusion Energy Conferences. The 27th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference (FEC 2018) aims to provide a forum for the discussion of key physics and technology issues … Read more

Six postdocs connect tokamak and stellarator

Six postdocs connect tokamak and stellarator

Eurofusion January 3rd 2018 The Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics (IPP) in Germany offers unique possibilities. It features not one, but two of the most advanced fusion experiments available. The Greifswald branch hosts the stellarator Wendelstein 7-X and the Garching institute operates the tokamak ASDEX Upgrade. Why not make use of the best of … Read more

Leading: Powering up nuclear fusion at Tokamak Energy

Leading: Powering up nuclear fusion at Tokamak Energy

Institute of Mechanical Engineers 01 Jan 2018 Jonathan Carling, the new Chief Executive of Tokamak Energy, on moving from luxury cars and engines to nuclear fusion Jonathan Carling, chief executive of Tokamak Energy, which received investment to develop its nuclear fusion technology from the IMechE’s Stephenson Fund (Credit: Tokamak Energy) I was sponsored through university … Read more

ITER Nuclear Reactor May Be The “Holy Grail” of Limitless Renewable Energy

ITER Nuclear Reactor May Be The “Holy Grail” of Limitless Renewable Energy

Futurism by Dom Galeon on December 30, 2017 Not Just More Stable Overcoming a series of setbacks, an international project to build what could be a revolutionary nuclear fusion reactor, which will produce renewable energy, has reached a major milestone. Half of the infrastructure required for the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) project has now … Read more

The long wait for fusion power may be coming to an end

The long wait for fusion power may be coming to an end

NBC by Tom Metcalfe / Dec.29.2017 Some experts think commercial fusion reactors could begin operation as soon as 2030. Construction is underway at the ITER fusion reactor in southern France on Dec. 5, 2017.ITER Organization/EJF Riche Renewable energy sources like solar and wind account for a growing share of the world’s electric power. That’s no … Read more

Vortex Method of Localization of Thermonuclear Plasma

Vortex Method of Localization of Thermonuclear Plasma

Journal of Power and Energy Engineering Vol.05 No.12(2017), Article ID:81037,8 pages 10.4236/jpee.2017.512008 By Eugeniy Pavlovich Smirnov Independent Researcher, Moscow, Russia Received: October 19, 2017; Accepted: December 11, 2017; Published: December 14, 2017 Abstract An important task of world energy is to solve the problem of controlled thermonuclear fusion and the information presented in the article … Read more

Chinese cities vie to harness the energy that powers the sun

Chinese cities vie to harness the energy that powers the sun

South China Morning Post 26 December, 2017 Central government backs plan to build world’s first experimental nuclear fusion power station Chinese scientists install an experimental tokamak reactor at a research facility in Hefei, Anhui province, in February 2006. Photo: EPA At least three Chinese cities are vying to host the world’s first experimental nuclear fusion … Read more

Feathers and whiskers help keep plasma superhot in fusion reactions

Feathers and whiskers help keep plasma superhot in fusion reactions

PPPL December 21, 2017 Physicist Charles Swanson Physicists at the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL) have found a way to prevent plasma — the hot, charged state of matter composed of free electrons and atomic nuclei — from causing short circuits in machines such as spacecraft thrusters, radar amplifiers, and … Read more

UK fusion researchers welcome government support

UK fusion researchers welcome government support

WNN 08 December 2017 The UK Atomic Energy Authority (UKAEA) has welcomed the government’s investment of GBP86 million that will fund the building and operation of a National Fusion Technology Platform (NaFTeP) at Culham Science Centre, which is expected to open in 2020. The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy announced the new funding … Read more

World’s Largest Plasma Injector Brings Commercial Fusion Energy a Step Closer

World’s Largest Plasma Injector Brings Commercial Fusion Energy a Step Closer

General Fusion 21 Dec 2017 General Fusion achieves first plasma in new machine – a milestone for private fusion venture Vancouver, Canada – Ten times more powerful than its predecessor, the world’s largest and most powerful plasma injector has begun operation at General Fusion’s facilities in Vancouver, Canada. This new machine (PI3) recently generated its … Read more