PPPL has a new interim director and is moving ahead with construction of prototype magnets

PPPL has a new interim director and is moving ahead with construction of prototype magnets

PPPL September 8, 2017 Rich Hawryluk Rich Hawryluk has been appointed interim director of the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL) while an international search for a permanent director moves forward, Princeton University Vice President for PPPL David McComas announced recently. Hawryluk, who has been heading the NSTX-U Recovery Project, is … Read more

Physicists propose new way to stabilize next-generation fusion plasmas

Physicists propose new way to stabilize next-generation fusion plasmas

PPPL September 11, 2017 PPPL physicist Gerrit Kramer A key issue for next-generation fusion reactors is the possible impact of many unstable Alfvén eigenmodes, wave-like disturbances produced by the fusion reactions that ripple through the plasma in doughnut-shaped fusion facilities called “tokamaks.” Deuterium and tritium fuel react when heated to temperatures near 100 million degrees … Read more

CIFF ’17: Let There Be Light

CIFF ’17: Let There Be Light

unseenfims.net September 13, 2017 There was a time when it seemed like the only people talking about fusion energy were the LaRouchers. Remember Fusion magazine? Despite their interest, many scientists still believe nuclear fusion (as opposed to conventional nuclear fission) is a realistic goal. A multi-national consortium has sunk billions of dollars and Euros into … Read more

Wendelstein 7-X: Second round of experimentation started

Wendelstein 7-X: Second round of experimentation started

phys.org September 11, 2017 by Isabella Milch A view inside the Wendelstein 7-X plasma vessel with graphite tile cladding. Credit: IPP, Jan Michael Hosan The plasma experiments in the Wendelstein 7-X fusion device at Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics (IPP) in Greifswald, Germany, have been resumed after a 15-month conversion break. The extension has … Read more

Nuclear Fusion: Gaining clean energy without toxic byproduct

Nuclear Fusion: Gaining clean energy without toxic byproduct

ELE Times September 11, 2017 An MIT experiment with a new nuclear fusion fuel, producing 10 times as much energy from energised ions as previously achieved, takes us another step closer to achieving limitless clean energy with virtually no toxic byproduct. The recent announcement by scientists of a major breakthrough in fusion research has gone … Read more

Simulations Show How Recycled Atoms Boost Plasma Turbulence

Simulations Show How Recycled Atoms Boost Plasma Turbulence

NERSC AUGUST 7, 2017 Plasma density fluctuation in a tokamak plasma turbulence driven by ion temperature gradient. The green line shows the magnetic separatrix surface that contains the edge plasma pedestal within a few centimeters from it. Image: C.S. Chang, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory Turbulence, the violently unruly disturbance of plasma, can prevent plasma from … Read more

Kelly de Soto: A game changer

Kelly de Soto: A game changer

MIT Paul Rivenberg | Plasma Science and Fusion Center | September 6, 2017 Incoming freshman refreshes Plasma Science and Fusion Center outreach tools. Incoming freshman Kaylee de Soto got a head start at MIT, arriving in June to help the Plasma Science and Fusion Center update its fusion video game. Photo: Paul Rivenberg/PSFC On Aug. … Read more

Realising a Fusion Power Plant

Realising a Fusion Power Plant

Two day conference 8 & 9 November 2017 Wolfson College, University of Oxford Read more and place your booking here Provisional programme available here *This programme is indicative. Circumstances may occur that prevent as published participation and could lead to a slight speaker or topic alteration Co-hosted by the Nuclear Institute and the UK Atomic … Read more