Diagnostics for super-hot plasmas in fusion reactors

Diagnostics for super-hot plasmas in fusion reactors

Phys.org January 30, 2017 It’s tough to measure the concentration of the single or neutral hydrogen atoms in fusion plasmas. The temperatures reach tens of thousands of degrees or more. A new calibration technique to improve these measurements uses different fluorescence pathways in a laser-induced fluorescence measurement system. Xenon (blue) and krypton (red) fluorescence have … Read more

Spherical tokamak ‘to put fusion power in grid’ by 2030

Spherical tokamak ‘to put fusion power in grid’ by 2030

WNN 30 January 2017 Experimental and theoretical research has shown ‘spherical’ tokamaks to be a “fast route to fusion” compared with more “conventional” tokamak devices such as Joint European Torus (JET), according to David Kingham, chief executive of Tokamak Energy. “By pursuing this route, fusion researchers around the world, including at Tokamak Energy, are developing … Read more

Researchers shocked at UK’s plan to exit EU nuclear agency

Researchers shocked at UK’s plan to exit EU nuclear agency

nature.com Elizabeth Gibney | 27 January 2017 UK’s role in major fusion projects remains in limbo. The UK’s plan to leave Euratom has thrown into doubt the future of the Joint European Torus (JET), a nuclear-fusion facility in Culham, UK. Scientists are shocked and angry at the UK government’s sudden confirmation on 26 January that … Read more

A feather in the cap for EUROfusion fellow

A feather in the cap for EUROfusion fellow

Euro Fusion 26th January 2017 Dr. Gergely Papp was awarded the Karoly Simonyi Memorial Plaque of the Hungarian Nuclear Society. Photo: IPP Cartoon of a runaway electron. (courtesy of EUROfusion) Runaway electrons: they may be minuscule, but for a fusion device, they can be quite disruptive. So, knowing how to keep them in check ranks … Read more

Canada could be a world leader in nuclear fusion by 2030, report suggests

Canada could be a world leader in nuclear fusion by 2030, report suggests

CBC News Jan 26, 2017 Burnaby’s General Fusion among many lobbying for federal investments in nuclear fusion General Fusion’s compression system prototype at its facilities in Burnaby, BC. (General Fusions) Scientists are calling on the federal government to invest more in fusion research as a way to produce massive amounts of clean energy and radically … Read more

This is what we need to do to get fusion energy on the grid by 2030

This is what we need to do to get fusion energy on the grid by 2030

International Business Times By Dr David Kingham | January 25, 2017 It will be a huge challenge, with massive investment required. But it is possible. Tokamak Energy has said that nuclear fusion could be powering UK homes in 15 years’ time Tokamak Energy Excerpt from a speech by Dr David Kingham, chief executive of Tokamak … Read more

JT-60SA assembly of the Toroidal Field coils has started

JT-60SA assembly of the Toroidal Field coils has started

Fusion for Energy 24 January 2017 The process of assembly has started: The first two of JT-60SA’s TF coils are in place in the tokamak With the placement of the first two, of the total 18, Toroidal Field (TF) coils in the tokamak, the complex process of assembling this magnet has started at the JT-60SA … Read more

Limitless Fusion Energy Is Just 13 Years Away, According To Tokamak Energy

Limitless Fusion Energy Is Just 13 Years Away, According To Tokamak Energy

Huffington Post 25/01/2017 Fusion is the “holy grail” of energy generation. Imagine a world where electricity can be produced virtually limitlessly without harming the environment. This is the promise of nuclear fusion technology. By harnessing the same reaction that powers the Sun, it could usher in a new era of energy generation. Now a British … Read more

Could Canadian fusion power be in play by 2030?

Could Canadian fusion power be in play by 2030?

Business in Vancouver By Nelson Bennett | Jan. 24, 2017 Universities rally around B.C. company in push for national fusion energy strategy, funding General Fusion founder Michel Laberge with the company’s mini-sphere compression system prototype. Laberge earned a plasma physics degree at UBC, which no longer has a plasma physics program. | rob kruyt In … Read more