Research Faculty Position Experimental Fusion Plasma Physics

Research Faculty Position Experimental Fusion Plasma Physics

Physics Today Auburn University Details Posted: May 31, 2016 Location: Auburn University, Alabama Salary: Open Level: Experienced Sector: Academic Work Function: Faculty 4-Year College/University Discipline: Physics: Fusion Technology, Physics: Physics, Physics: Plasma Required Education: Doctorate The Department of Physics at Auburn University is seeking a qualified individual for a research faculty position in experimental fusion … Read more

PPPL physicist conducts experiments indicating efficiency of fusion start-up technique

PPPL physicist conducts experiments indicating efficiency of fusion start-up technique

Eureka Alert 31-MAY-2016 DOE/PRINCETON PLASMA PHYSICS LABORATORY PHYSICIST FATIMA EBRAHIMI CREDIT: ELLE STARKMAN / PPPL OFFICE OF COMMUNICATIONS Physicist Fatima Ebrahimi at the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL) and Princeton University has for the first time performed computer simulations indicating the efficiency of a start-up technique for doughnut-shaped fusion machines … Read more

IPP Summer University for Plasma Physics and Fusion Research

IPP Summer University for Plasma Physics and Fusion Research

IPP Beginning: 2016-09-19 End: 2016-09-23 Location: Greifswald Contact: Programme The course covers the main aspects of plasma physics with emphasis on nuclear fusion: basics of plasma physics and nuclear fusion kinetic and magneto-hydrodynamic description of a plasma concepts and experimental results of tokamak and stellarator configurations plasma heating and diagnostics plasma-wall interaction and materials … Read more



NAM news network 2016-05-30 TEHRAN, May 30 (NNN-FNA) — Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister Seyed Abbas Araqchi announced that Paris has called for cooperation with Iran’s academic centers in projects related to nuclear fusion. “At present, France has invited us to cooperate with them in nuclear fusion projects,” Araqchi said, addressing a ceremony at Kharazmi University … Read more

Ronald C. Davidson, Pioneer of Fusion Power, Dies at 74

Ronald C. Davidson, Pioneer of Fusion Power, Dies at 74

NYT May 30, 2016 Ronald C. Davidson at the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, where he oversaw research. Credit Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory Ronald C. Davidson, who oversaw one of the biggest advances in fusion energy research, attempting to replicate the power of the sun, died on May 19 at his home in Cranbury, N.J. He … Read more

The Real Problem With Fusion Energy

The Real Problem With Fusion Energy

gizmodo Maddie Stone | May 27, 2016 Artwork by Sam Woolley The longstanding joke about fusion—that it’s the energy source of the future, and always will be—may be the field’s biggest problem. The quest to bottle the power of the sun has led to countless starry-eyed predictions of an imminent clean energy revolution. But the … Read more

Secretary of Energy Moniz urges work on ITER nuclear fusion reactor

Secretary of Energy Moniz urges work on ITER nuclear fusion reactor

Electric Light & Power 05/27/2016 Dr. Jeff Quintenz, Senior Vice President of General Atomics‘ Energy Group, issued the following statement on Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz’s report recommended continued U.S. support for ITER, the world’s largest magnetic fusion device designed to prove the feasibility of fusion power as a large-scale and carbon-free source of energy based … Read more

US advised to stick with troubled fusion reactor ITER

US advised to stick with troubled fusion reactor ITER Davide Castelvecchi& Jeff Tollefson, 27 May 2016 Matthieu Colin/ITER The ITER project under construction in southern France on 29 April 2016. The Department of Energy says the US should fund ITER until 2018, and then re-evaluate its progress. The troubled multibillion-euro nuclear-fusion project ITER has improved its performance and management, and the United States … Read more

Princeton Plasma Physics Lab Studies Energy Source

Princeton Plasma Physics Lab Studies Energy Source

NJTV By Briana Vannozzi | 5-23-16 Inside a metal spheroid covered with beams and high-tech magnets, scientists are hoping to achieve something that sounds impossible. Create a star on Earth, essentially in a bottle. “We are starting a new experiment its called NSTX-U — the National Spherical Torus Upgrade — and it’s going to push … Read more

IPR gives fusion breakthrough to India

IPR gives fusion breakthrough to India

Times of India Paul John | TNN | May 24, 2016 Ahmedabad: After six years of committed effort, India’s steady state experimental superconducting Tokamak (SST-1) fusion reactor has made its first major breakthrough. On Saturday, at the Institute of Plasma Research (IPR) in Bhat a team of scientists were able to confine plasma – a … Read more