Why the World’s Largest Nuclear Fusion Project May Never Succeed

Why the World’s Largest Nuclear Fusion Project May Never Succeed

Technology Review by Richard Martin May 4, 2016 The International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) project reached a critical phase last week, as a panel of experts convened to review the latest revised budget and time line to build the proposed fusion reactor delivered its findings. Launched in 2006, ITER has been plagued with delays and … Read more

Pakistan stays out of nuclear fusion project

Pakistan stays out of nuclear fusion project

THE EXPRESS TRIBUNE > PAKISTAN By Sehrish Wasif | May 5, 2016 ISLAMABAD: Pakistan’s ambition for securing membership to the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) group – one of the most ambitious energy projects in the world – are being hindered by shortage of both funds and capable researchers, experts told The Express Tribune on … Read more

Lockheed Still Supporting Portable Nuclear Generator

Lockheed Still Supporting Portable Nuclear Generator

Defense News Aaron Mehta, May 3, 2016 WASHINGTON — Lockheed Martin continues to invest in its portable nuclear fusion generator, with that investment recently entering a more advanced stage, according to the head of the company’s Skunk Works division. Rob Weiss told an audience at the Atlantic Council that Lockheed is “about four months into … Read more

Scientists challenge conventional wisdom to improve predictions of the bootstrap current at the edge of fusion plasmas

Scientists challenge conventional wisdom to improve predictions of the bootstrap current at the edge of fusion plasmas

Phys.org May 3, 2016 by John Greenwald Simulation shows trapped electrons at left and passing electron at right that are carried in the bootstrap current of a tokamak. Credit: Kwan Liu-Ma, University of California, Davis Researchers at the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL) have challenged understanding of a key element … Read more

ITER nuclear fusion project faces new delay, cost overrun: Les Echos

ITER nuclear fusion project faces new delay, cost overrun: Les Echos

American Energy News May 2, 2016 Nuclear fusion reactor will not see first test of super-heated plasma before 2025 C onstruction of the ITER nuclear fusion project in Cadarache, France will continue. ITER organization photo. PARIS, May 2 (Reuters) – The international ITER project to build a prototype nuclear fusion reactor will be delayed by … Read more

Nuclear techniques measure damage in superconducting cables for fusion energy research reactor

Nuclear techniques measure damage in superconducting cables for fusion energy research reactor

Phys.org May 2, 2016 ANSTO researchers have joined the thousands of experts from 35 countries working worldwide to resolve technological challenges relating to a world’s fusion energy collaboration, the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) in France by assisting with neutron diffraction studies on the materials used in the superconducting cables. Measurements on the Kowari residual … Read more

The First Nuclear Fusion Power Plant in the UK

The First Nuclear Fusion Power Plant in the UK

transhumanist April 30, 2016 The UK is going to be the first country to release nuclear fusion power plant, which is going to be a massive contribution to the British Economy. The Chinese limitless nuclear energy In the beginning of February, the Scientists in China have announced that they have successfully produced Hydrogen gas which … Read more

Fusion analysis suggests promise for smaller, cheaper reactors

Fusion analysis suggests promise for smaller, cheaper reactors

the Engineer By Stuart Nathan 29th April 2016 New analysis of experimental plasma containment devices suggests that making energy from nuclear fusion might not require the building of enormous, complicated fusion reactors. Alan Costley, a physicist working for the company Tokomak Solutions in Culham, Oxfordshire, has written a paper in the journal Nuclear Fusion which … Read more

The Secretive, Billionaire-Backed Plans to Harness Fusion

The Secretive, Billionaire-Backed Plans to Harness Fusion

BBC By Jonathan Frochtzwajg, 28 April 2016 The founders of Amazon and Microsoft are putting their fortunes into little-known fusion energy companies. Jonathan Frochtzwajg digs into a story that has strange parallels with fiction. Inside a laboratory near Vancouver in British Columbia, an alarm is blaring. In the middle of the industrial warehouse stands what … Read more