2060 And Lights Out

2060 And Lights Out

By: Tom Tamarkin Founder Fusion4Freedom & President USCL Corp A Question and Answer Session Wolff Bachner and Tom Tamarkin 2060 And Lights Out: How Will America Survive Without Oil [Inquisitr Special Report] Imagine what your life would be like without electricity. No gasoline for your car; no oil for your furnace; no refrigeration for your … Read more

Who Killed Fusion?

Who Killed Fusion?

By: Marsha Freeman, commissioned & edited by Tom Tamarkin copyright USCL 2010-2017 June 20, 2010 Skip Preface See also: How Russia Caused the World’s Preeminent Super Power To Lose 25 Years in Its Quest to Correctly Solve Energy See Also: Pat Boone & Tom Tamarkin series of 8 articles on the history and politics of … Read more

How Russia Caused the World’s Preeminent Super Power To Lose 25 Years in Its Quest to Correctly Solve Energy

How Russia Caused the World’s Preeminent Super Power To Lose 25 Years in Its Quest to Correctly Solve Energy

By: Tom Tamarkin Founder Fusion4Freedom & President USCL Corp June 29, 2014 In 1980 the Magnetic Fusion Energy Engineering Act or MFEEA passed the House and Senate with virtually zero opposition and was signed by President Carter in October 1980. The goal was to demonstrate clean, cheap, safe, and virtually unlimited fusion power by 1995 … Read more

American Based Worldwide Energy Independence

[php function=8]By: Tom Tamarkin Founder Fusion4Freedom & President USCL Corp August 5, 2012 EnergyCite® In a few years we should no longer need to depend on drilling for natural gas & oil…or mining coal…for energy. Energy is all around us. But not from wind, solar, tidal, or biofuels. Every school boy knows the answer; E=MC². … Read more