Powering the future with Dr Melanie Windridge

Powering the Future is the Institute of Physics Schools and College Lecture 2010. Delivered by physicist and science communicator Dr Melanie Windridge. Melanie is an expert on nuclear fusion and the reactions powering the sun.

Nuclear Fusion: Has Its Time Finally Arrived?

Nuclear Fusion: Has Its Time Finally Arrived?

A panel discussion at the Milken Institute Published on May 2, 2016 Moderator Katie Fehrenbacher, Senior Writer, Fortune Speakers Michl Binderbauer, Chief Technology Officer, Tri Alpha Energy Michel Laberge, Founder and Chief Science Officer, General Fusion Thomas McGuire, Research Engineer and Scientist; Compact Fusion Principal Investigator, Lockheed Martin Dennis Whyte, Director, Plasma Science and Fusion … Read more

Fusion: How to Put the Sun in a Magnetic Bottle – with Ian Chapman

Fusion: How to Put the Sun in a Magnetic Bottle – with Ian Chapman

By Royal Institution, Jun 8, 2016 Fusion energy has the potential to be one of the most important scientific breakthroughs. Physicist Ian Chapman explores the challenges in nuclear fusion and explains how the international ITER project hopes to demonstrate that fusion energy can be realised here on Earth. Ian Chapman received his MSc in Mathematics … Read more

The Energy Crisis is Over!

The Energy Crisis is Over!

Derek Sutherland exclaims that the energy crisis is over and explores how nuclear fusion can revolutionize energy production. Derek extols the many virtues of fusion and how with research and public support it can become reality. Derek Sutherland is a graduate research associate at the University of Washington (UW), and is also the CEO of … Read more

A Star on Earth

A Star on Earth

At the Energy Department’s Princeton Plasma Physics Lab, scientists are trying to accomplish what was once considered the realm of science fiction: create a star on Earth. The National Spherical Torus Experiment (NSTX) is a magnetic fusion device that is used to study the physics principles of spherically shaped plasmas — hot ionized gases in … Read more

The Greenhouse Conspiracy

The Greenhouse Conspiracy

“The Greenhouse Conspiracy” is a documentary film broadcast by Channel 4 in the United Kingdom on 12 August 1990, as part of the Equinox series, which criticised the theory of global warming and asserted that scientists critical of global warming theory were denied funding. It is one of the earliest instances of the suggestion of … Read more

Breakthrough in Nuclear Fusion?

Breakthrough in Nuclear Fusion?

Hank Magnuski on Feb 26, 2016 Nuclear fusion is the holy grail of energy generation because by fusing two hydrogen atoms together into a single helium atom it releases enormous amounts of energy, yet represents a clean, safe, sustainable and secure form of power. The most tried and true approach for generating nuclear fusion energy … Read more