Alice Bows-Larkin: Climate change is happening. Here’s how we adapt

Alice Bows-Larkin Climate scholar Climate researcher Alice Bows-Larkin connects her academic research to the broader policy context, helping create policies to deal with our changing planet. Imagine the hottest day you’ve ever experienced. Now imagine it’s six, 10 or 12 degrees hotter. According to climate researcher Alice Bows-Larkin, that’s the type of future in store … Read more

Supercomputing for nuclear fusion | Santiago Badia

Supercomputing for nuclear fusion | Santiago Badia

Fusion can change humanity forever by giving us a clean and unlimited source of energy, says Santiago Badia, from the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona Tech (UPC), Spain. Badia introduces some of the challenges of working to make safe, efficient nuclear fusion a reality by 2040 at the World Economic Forum.

Carl Sagan on Science, Ignorance and Power

Carl Sagan on Science, Ignorance and Power

Carl Sagan interview with Charlie Rose, 1996 In his last interview the year he died, Carl Sagan gave a chilling warning that is now coming true. “We’ve arranged a society based on science and technology, in which nobody understands anything about science and technology,” Sagan said. “And this combustible mixture of ignorance and power, sooner … Read more

Sun to Sun – The Need for Fusion Energy

This video explains the need for fusion energy to meet the world’s energy needs. At 1 minute into this short video, Dr. Albert Einstein explains in his own voice the solution to today’s global warming debate and the solution to energy production for all people on Earth for eternity. At 2 minutes, this video explains … Read more

Nuclear Fusion Within Reach

Nuclear Fusion Within Reach

This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. Our energy future depends on nuclear fusion, says Michel Laberge. In a lab near Vancouver, Michel and his team are building a prototype fusion reactor that mimics the processes of the sun to produce cheap, clean and abundant energy. Michel … Read more

Fusion energy with Professor Steven Cowley

Fusion energy with Professor Steven Cowley

Professor Steven Cowley from the Culham Centre for Fusion Energy, winner of the 2012 Glazebrook Medal awarded by the Institute of Physics for his leadership of the UK’s fusion energy programme and his seminal contributions to plasma and fusion science. The JET and MAST tokamaks at Culham Laboratory in Oxfordshire are the most successful fusion … Read more

Faster fusion

Faster fusion

Faster fusion exhibit at the Royal Society Summer Science Exhibition 2015:…. Discover the promise of fusion power. Visit the Faster fusion exhibit at the Royal Society Summer Science Exhibition 2015:

Fusion Startups Seek Star Power

A growing number of private players like Lockheed Martin and Helion Energy believe they can commercialize fusion energy within a decade, promising a carbon-free energy source with effectively limitless fuel. But there’s considerable skepticism in the scientific community that these upstarts can achieve such ambitious timelines — or whether they can pull off fusion at … Read more