Mrs. Clinton’s Convoluted Clean Crony Cookware Cooked up at State with Her Friends and Her Family Foundation Now Costing U.S. Taxpayers Hundreds of Millions of Dollars

Mrs. Clinton’s Convoluted Clean Crony Cookware Cooked up at State with Her Friends and Her Family Foundation Now Costing U.S. Taxpayers Hundreds of Millions of Dollars

Green Corruption Files Secretary of State Hillary Clinton with Former President Bill Clinton at the 2010 Clinton Global Initiative (via the Clinton Foundation) announcing the Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves (PHOTO BY Last month, a Daily Signal piece by David Kreutzer caught my attention, because he was reporting that a particular “green energy goal … Read more

Carl Sagan on Science, Ignorance and Power

Carl Sagan on Science, Ignorance and Power

Carl Sagan interview with Charlie Rose, 1996 In his last interview the year he died, Carl Sagan gave a chilling warning that is now coming true. “We’ve arranged a society based on science and technology, in which nobody understands anything about science and technology,” Sagan said. “And this combustible mixture of ignorance and power, sooner … Read more

Abengoa Alert: New explosive whistleblower Intel reveals that the taxpayer-subsidized California Mojave Solar Plant is a massive green disaster

Abengoa Alert: New explosive whistleblower Intel reveals that the taxpayer-subsidized California Mojave Solar Plant is a massive green disaster

DOE Photo Last March, as a result of droves of brave whistleblowers, energy columnist Marita Noon and I began to unleash how the Spanish Conglomerate Abengoa, which bagged billions in U.S. green energy stimulus funds for three projects, committed a chain of “atrocities” on American soil. In short, Abengoa intentionally violated American laws, codes and … Read more

Back to the Future: A sneak peek into Hillary Clinton’s climate change cronies

NRG Energy, Crane and his entourage also have an inspiring page (Harnessing Haiti’s power) and subsequent videos showcasing their “doing good solar work.” One in particular was posted around January 2014, entitled, “NRG Brightens Haitian School with Solar,” where all the little children were wearing NRG t-shirts. Very moving, kind, and heartwarming! Yes, but questions … Read more