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Brief Overview of the Proposed Game
A global energy simulation game
Models world energy supply and demand
Supports multiple modes of play from “what-if” educational modeling system to fully interactive single-player game
Core game would target maximizing results by a target date, such as 2060
Modeling is driven by energy scenario files
Open-format files allow user updating and customization of model parameters
Interactive play style similar to SimCity®
What the Simulation Models
Supply, demand and cost of energy
Impact of energy availability on economy, environment, standard of living, geopolitics, technological advances, etc.
Impact of different forms of energy generation on above factors
Feedback of all above factors on demand for energy
Many additional resources, consequences and variables are modeled
All factors are modeled both regionally and globally
The complexity of the modeling is adjustable
It’s important to keep model complexity balanced with the player’s capacity to understand cause and effect
Energy Model Elements
Models all forms of energy generation
These are just a few of the modeled elements:
Research & development time, cost, goals
Plant construction cost, materials, time, land, environmental impact
Maintenance cost, materials, decommission
Operation cost, resources (fuel), energy variance, environmental impact, failures, waste
Resource extraction (fuel & materials) cost, time, land, transportation, environmental impact, supply
Impacts of energy supply, demand, price, generation, transmission, and environmental impacts on geopolitics, economy, humanitarian issues, etc.
Energy Modeling Goals
The game models global energy in order to illustrate the real-world issues and practicality of various forms of energy generation at global scale
While the game aims to draw attention to the benefits of fusion energy, it does not force this conclusion on players
Knowledge is more impactful when discovered through play and experimentation
Unlike climate models, the model parameters are exposed and allow for multiple energy scenarios
Avoids bias by allowing third-party scenarios
Bonus: user-generated content extends life of a game
Refocusing the Energy Debate
Computer games have become one of the most effect mediums for advancing social issues
The goal is that by making this game an open system in terms of the model parameters, that the different interest groups will extend the model elements and parameters to illustrate their arguments
Moves the debate from wild promises to modeled numbers and facts
Puts pressure on proponents of policies and technologies to demonstrate how they stack up against alternatives
Energy scenarios are constantly updated with latest real-world facts and forms of energy generation, so models are never out of date
Interactive Play
Interactive play involves making moment-to-moment decisions as the simulation advances
Where to build power plants, and what type
Building transmission lines
Energy policy decisions
Research and development
Energy efficiency and use
Environment & land use
Resource extraction
Responding to new developments, natural disasters, political upheaval and other events
Many others
Players will be able to automate any decisions or disable features to simplify what they need to manage
Modes of Play
Each of the player-controlled elements can be automated
Player-controlled elements are modeled by policies in the scenario that the user can modify
Allows scaling both model complexity and difficulty level of play
Simulations can be run in full-auto mode to ask “what if” questions without playing the game
Full-auto mode supports Monte Carlo modeling by repeatedly running simulation with the same parameters and aggregating results
Target Markets
USA, Israel, Canada, Europe, Japan
China, Russia, India, Brazil, Australia/New Zealand
English, Spanish, French, German, Japanese
Hebrew, Mandarin Chinese, Russian, Portuguese
Target Audiences
Roughly in order of priority, the primary target audiences for the game are
Game players
Energy advocates
There is plenty of overlap between these groups
Game Player Audience
Must have engaging and balanced game play
Players spend 100s of hours building their creations
Simulation games are one of the eight major video game genres (Wikipedia)
Construction and management simulation games have a strong history, with simulations from cities, amusement parks, railroads, and airports to zoos
Examples: SimCity, Railroad Tycoon, Minecraft
Appeal to broad spectrum demographics
There has never been a mainstream energy simulation game
Energy Advocate Audience
Energy is a popular topic
Hundreds of news items every week on energy-related topics
Alternative energy is a popular topic
Renewable and self-sustaining energy sources receive high favorability scores
Favorable view of nuclear energy increasing
Studies show people are concerned about future energy supply, impacts and costs
But not well-informed on energy generation
And not informed about, but interested in fusion
Environmentalist Audience
Environmental concern related to energy generation spans a number of issues
Climate change (global warming)
Land use
Ecosystem damage from power generation
Ecosystem damage from resource extraction
Concern about the ecological impact of renewable energy generation is increasing
Humanitarian Audience
Availability of cheap, abundant energy alleviates misery in third world countries by
Providing clean drinking water
The UN estimates that 783 million people (2013) don’t have access to clean drinking water
Providing food
The UN estimates that almost a billion people (2010) go to bed hungry each night
Enabling economic advancement World peace—oil resources are increasingly a motivating factor in military conflicts
Educational Audience
As awareness of climate change and energy demands have increased, so has interest in K-12 energy education
The National Energy Education Development Project (NEED)
Provides energy education training to teachers
Provides over 130 teacher and student guides
In 2012, the DOE established energy education standards
States are starting to follow by mandating a K-12 energy curriculum tied to the DOE standards
So far Massachusetts, Alaska, California, New York, Colorado and several other states have enacted energy education requirements
Futurist Audience
Advanced energy technologies appeal to several demographics interested in technological advance
Science fiction fans
Advocates of space exploration
The public at large has become conditioned to expect constant advances
Hollywood has set expectations for the future and people want to see these things in their lifetime
Nationalist Audience
There are a number of geopolitical and nationalistic issues related to energy
Energy independence and self sufficiency
Reduce funding available to Islamic terror groups through petro dollars
Concerns about nuclear proliferation piggybacking on nuclear energy programs
There is national pride and prestige at stake
The country that first demonstrates fusion energy will reap considerable benefits from being first
Market Analysis: Sales
The video & computer game market is nearly 50% larger than the film industry
2013 sales (billions $): games 15.4, movies 10.9
Video game consoles account for the lion’s share of computer and video game sales
2013 units (millions): console 150.5, computer 9.3
However, simulation games dominate the home computer game market
8 of the top 12 computer games (unit sales) in 2013 were simulations, including the #2 selling SimCity 2013
Cities: Skyline, hailed as the successor to the popular SimCity, was released on March 10, 2015. It sold over 500,000 units in the first week.
Market Analysis: Demographics
Who plays games?
59% of Americans play video games
The average gamer is 31 years old
71% of gamers are 18 or older
39% of gamers are 36 or older
Nearly half (48%) of gamers are female
Women over 18 is the fastest growing demographic
Women age 18 or older represent a significantly greater portion of the game-playing population (36%) than boys age 18 or younger (17%)
57% of simulation game players are women
Competitive Analysis
There are no simulation games available today or in the past that match the global scope nor the depth of simulation of the proposed game
Contemporary simulation games with crossover target audiences fall into one or more of several categories
Energy generation simulation
City-scope energy simulation
Environmental climate change simulation
Resource extraction simulation
Environmental business simulation
Competitive Survey: Energy Generation Simulations
These simulations model how a single plant or an energy source generates electricity
Nuclear fission power plant
Dalton Nuclear Simulator
Nuclear Energy
Nuclear power simulator
Wind farm
Windmill game
Solar panels
Solar power simulator
Competitive Survey: City-Scope Energy Simulations
These simulations model supplying energy to a single city, typically with a focus on green energy, sustainability and/or climate change
Simcity5 environmental city
Enercities energy game
Includes nuclear fusion plants
Energy city
Powermatrix game
Competitive Survey: Climate Change Simulations
The games primarily focus on climate change, but have an energy management component
Fate of the World
One of the closest competitors. Models energy and climate change in simulation that runs to 2050. Simulation is controlled by setting a dozen or so sliders.
Climate Interactive
Intelligent Energy Choices simulation game
The closest competitor in terms of scope of simulation, but lacks interactive game play. Global energy and climate change simulation that models top 25 economies. Intended for educating the public.
Competitive Survey: Resource Extraction Simulations
These games simulate the process of locating and extracting energy resources
Quest for Oil game
Natural gas
What the Frack
Competitive Survey: Ecological Business Simulations
These games simulate running a business—either an ecological business or running some other business in an ecologically friendly manner
Allows player to assume the role of the CEO of four different businesses, including a utility company.
Clean Start
University education simulation game. Player assumes role of founder of startup company in clean energy sector.
Development Resources
Lead designer, technical architect and project manager:
Doug Bell
Energy modeling consultant:
Tom Tamarkin
Lead developerDoug, reports to : TBD
Leads team of 3-4 game developers: TBD
Art director, reports to Doug: TBD
Leads team of 2-3 artists: TBD
Game designers (2), report to Doug:
Create environments, characters, messaging, timeline, scripting for voice, game elements, and other game elements; contribute to UI and usability
Additional Development Resources
Web site developer (6 months)
Technical writer (3-4 months): TBD
Voice actors (need TBD)
Minimum 1 male & 1 female
Cover & promotional art work (need TBD)
Localization services, including voice
Play testers (3-4 in-house, 5 months)
User testing and focus group moderator (2-3 months)
Pre-Launch Support Resources
Promotions and marketing
Prepare distribution channel (TBD)
Manager of customer support (1 month)
Post-Launch Support Resources
Web developer
Customer service representatives
Developer bug fixes and updates
New features
Secondary market localizations
Doug Bell
Hall of fame pioneering game developer and technical director in1980s and 1990s (FTL Games)
Lead developer and designer of epic best-selling and critically acclaimed Dungeon Master series
Dozens of prestigious industry and media awards
Computer Gaming World Hall of Fame
25 years later, fan base and clone market still active
Lead developer/designer on four computer games
Sundog, Dungeon Master, Chaos Strikes Back, Dungeon Master II: The Legend of Skullkeep
All four were #1 sellers in US & international markets
Over 30 years of development, project management, design and architecture experience in the software and video game industries
Tom Tamarkin
Proven entrepreneur, inventor and advocate in the energy, electronics, and computer industries
Personal computer industry pioneer; founded Texcon in 1982
Inventor/developer of Allegro Mentor Teaching System, an artificial-intelligence hardware and software system to teach playing the piano
Founder & CEO, Utility Services Customer Link (USCL) since 1995
Inventor of “smart” electric, gas and water utility meters
Issued multiple patents in smart meter data communications and applications in US, EU, Israel, and China; additional patents pending
30 years experience in the electric, gas and water utility industry
Numerous utility industry awards
Named by Smart Grid Today as “Industry Pioneer”
Expert in power generation, pollution mitigation and data acquisition
Created Fusion4Freedom and PowerRfuture™ web sites to increase public awareness and promote funding and research of fusion energy
Rough Development Schedule (1)
Game design, facilities, talent and staff acquisition; 2-3 months
Doug, Tom, limited staff
Create model view / animation; 2-3 months
Create basic energy scenario editor
Doug, developers, artists, game designers
Basic energy scenario simulator; 4-8 weeks
Complete energy scenario editor
Doug, Tom, developers, artists, game designers
Rough Development Schedule (2)
Create interactive game; 3 months
Create game manual and documentation for energy scenario editor and scenario modeling
Begin construction of web site
Doug, developers, game designers, artists, voice actors, play testers (internal), technical writer, web developer
Rough Development Schedule (3)
Play testing, QA, polish, balancing; 2 months
Primary markets localization of text, graphics and voice
Perform usability testing and conduct focus groups
Pre- & post-launch support
Hire/train customer support
Promotions and marketing
Doug, Tom, developers, artists, game designers, play testers (internal, external), focus group moderator, localization services
Development Schedule Notes
Total time from project initiation to product launch estimated at 10 to 13 months
Windows and Mac versions developed simultaneously—share as much as reasonable
The key to creating a highly successful game is being flexible
Never release a game before it is ready
Must be critically honest with evaluation and get outside opinions and feedback
Stretch Goals and/or Future Expansions
Online (web-based) version
Extended modeling
Government regulations
Climate change
Incorporate results of IPCC and competing models
World economy
In-Progress Activities
The remaining slides describe on-going and planned research, analysis, due diligence, and other tasks pursuant to funding, initiation and execution of the project.
The development requirements are understood well enough to budget
In progress
The business requirements and budget may be dependent on funding
Goal is to establish on-going game company
Business and support staffing and HR requirements dependent on business structure
Determine Business Structure
Business structure depends on what, if anything, investors bring to the table
If investor is game publisher or distributor, business could be set up as a game development studio
A utility-related business may present co-marketing and distribution opportunities
Venture capitalists may have expertise and requirements for setting up business structure
If investor is silent, need to set up as Power R Future™ game company division of USCL.
Marketing and Distribution Planning
Marketing plans depend on distribution channels
Distribution channels may be influenced by investor objectives
Marketing and launch budget depend on both of the above, as well as on sales projections and available funding
Sales Projections
Sales projections are always a dicey proposition in the entertainment industry
Quality, engagement and appeal of product have a huge influence on sales volume
These characteristics cannot be adequately assessed until late in the development process
Distribution and marketing impact sales
Viral pre-launch marketing success is difficult to predict, but can likewise have a huge impact on sales volume
Preparing for Crowdfunding
The game project has the correct characteristics for a successful crowdfunding campaign
Crowdfunding is compatible with other investment funding
The same tactics that are effective for crowdfunding can be used for pre-launch viral marketing
Separate effort required to reach each target audience
Identify organizations and influential members in each target audience
Promote game and get buy-in from these individuals so that they will use their forums to direct people to the crowdfunding site when we go live with the funding campaign.
To the extent possible, seek feedback and input from these people as that greatly increases their engagement
These people will be reengaged for product launch
Crowdfunding: Environmental Simulation Sites
Establish contact with influentials at web sites that aggregate environmental simulation games
EcoGamer web site has reviews, descriptions and links to environmental simulation games
The Polar Hub web site has links to climate simulation games and simulations
Need to get pre-launch placement on sites
Crowdfunding: Leverage Reputation (1)
Leverage Doug Bell’s reputation among fans of Dungeon Master and retro games
Classic (retro) game players
Dungeon Master fan sites
Dungeon Master Encyclopedia
Dungeon Master Forums
Crowdfunding: Leverage Reputation (2)
Target Dungeon Master fan ports and clones
Amiga version
DOS version (written in Java)
SNES (Nintendo) versions
Android version
Crowdfunding: Leverage Reputation (3)
Target Dungeon Master II (Skullkeep) fan port
Android version
Target commercial games based entirely on Dungeon Master and its sequels
Legend of Grimrock, Windows & Mac versions
Released April 12, 2012; sold over 600,000 units by end 2012
Legend of Grimrock II, Windows & Mac versions
Windows released on Oct. 15, 2014; Mac March 18, 2015
Target custom fan games based on Dungeon Master
Return to Chaos, MS Windows version
Crowdfunding: Leverage Reputation (4)
Discussion threads on recent articles and reviews of Dungeon Master and fan ports and clones
RetroGamer interview of Doug Bell (2007)
Doug Bell Interview
Abondonia (review date unknown)
Rock, Paper, Shotgun (March 29, 2012)
Investigate Recent Industry Events
There have been recent (March 2015) developments in the simulation game space that present opportunities
On March 4, 2015 Electronic Arts shut down Maxis, the developer of Sim City
Valuable talent is on the market
The dominant competitor in the space is gone
On March 10, 2015 Colossal Order, a small Finnish game developer, released Cities: Skylines, a city-building simulation game hailed as the next SimCity
Sold more than 500,000 copies in its first week
Proves that simulation games still have strong appeal
Competitive Analysis Deep Dive: Simulations (1)
There are several simulation products on the market where we would like a deeper understanding of what they model and how
A climate business game from Allianz
Play the CEO of an insurance, automotive, chemical or utility company
Run company from 2010-2030 while reducing CO2
Competitive Analysis Deep Dive: Simulations (2)
Strategy game about building wind farms to create clean energy profitably
City-scope energy and environment simulation game
Simulation includes nuclear fusion
Power Matrix
A city-scope energy game sponsored by Siemens Energy
C-ROADS, The climate rapid overview and decision support simulator
Freeware simplified climate simulator
Competitive Analysis Deep Dive: Simulations (3)
Educational Global Climate Modeling
Research-grade global climate model from Columbia University
Has user interface for running on personal computer
Cesim SimPower
Simulates energy industry, strategic management, risk management, regulation, power utilities, commodities
Used in college business and engineering classes
Intelligent Energy Choices
Global energy and climate simulation game
Models top 25 economies
Player assumes management of one of the countries
Competitive Analysis Deep Dive: Game Play (1)
Simulation games to evaluate for user interface and game play value
Cities: Skyline
New, popular game that we will be compared to
Has very high production value for a simulation
SimCity 5
Goals based on quality of life and sustainability
Energy City
Targeted at education market
Competitive Analysis Deep Dive: Game Play (2)
Sponsored by Chevron
City-scope game based on current energy
Includes modeling for North America, Europe and Asia
One of the closest competitors in terms of goal
Models energy and climate change in simulation that runs to 2050
Simulation controlled by setting a dozen or so sliders
“Smart” city simulation game from IBM
Refinery industry training simulation tool with advanced user experience that overlays live views with digital information
Works with Google Glass
Power R Future™
Resource-Based Energy Simulation and Modeling Game
For Discussion Purposes Only. Subject to continuing due diligence by the development team. Updates will be periodically posted as incremental revision changes to the PowerPoint pptx and PDF versions of this proposal, available as downloads below.
Power R Future™ trademark held by USCL Corporation, copyright 2015. All rights reserved. Power R Future™ game IP currently owned by game developer Doug Bell and conceptual developer, Tom Tamarkin. All IP will be assigned to USCL upon funding of the Power R Future™ game development program.
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