HispanTV July 5, 2016

The Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) cooperate in the global project to commercially produce energy by nuclear fusion, known as ITER.
“It has been established increased cooperation and relations the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor project (ITER, its acronym in English) and Iranian scientists” , announced Tuesday AEOI spokesman, Behruz Kamalvandi.
In a meeting held between the President of the AEOI, Ali Akbar Salehi, and the director general of ITER, Bernard Bigot, in Paris, French capital, the parties have agreed to the continuation of effective partnerships between Iran and the organization, explained Kamalvandi .
Has been established increased cooperation and relations the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor project (ITER, its acronym in English) and Iranian scientists, “communicates AEOI spokesman, Behruz Kamalvandi.
In this regard, he has detailed in the context of the forthcoming visits made ITER representatives of the Persian country, the details of mutual cooperation Iran-ITER and the fields in which Iranians will decide to collaborate.
With earlier date, he added, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and the European Union (EU) held meetings with Iranian experts in the field of nuclear fusion and studied Iranian capabilities, particularly with regard to human resources , and they requested the Persian cooperation in this regard.
In statements on the five-day trip of President of the AEOI to France by official invitation of the ITER-begun last Friday- Kamalvandi explained that Salehi and the delegation accompanying him, among other points of its agenda, visited the facilities of ITER and tokamak fusion reactor international.
The city of Cadarache, in southern France, welcomes the ITER project, one of the largest scientific projects in the world aimed at producing energy following the same procedure as the sun.
This project, developed with the collaboration of 34 countries, aims to demonstrate that there are other reactors capable of producing unlimited energy from fusion of atomic quantities.
The director general of ITER ensures that this project will be able to solve the great problem of energy production on our planet.