24 JANUARY 2018

Landis+Gyr has announced the launch of GridStream Connect, a new highly flexible, next generation IoT platform for utility, consumer and smart city applications.
According to a statement, the IoT platform is built to seamlessly and securely integrate smart devices using a variety of communication protocols.
Gridstream Connect is designed on IPv6-enabled architecture and support a variety of communication technologies, such as RF Mesh, LoRa and cellular, within a single network.
This provides multi-layered options for utilities to deploy intelligence with connected computing power at the grid edge, at the community level and across the distribution system in smart community and smart home initiatives.
The IoT platform allows networked meters, sensors and devices to run applications and interface autonomously with software platforms and third-party devices including streetlights, EV charging stations, solar invertors and environmental sensors.
John Radgowski, Vice President of Portfolio Management at Landis+Gyr, said: “Utilities have gone beyond AMI to leverage networks and data for distribution automation, demand response and consumer interactions. But the next step in developing truly smart city infrastructure is the ability to connect to sensors of every kind that can run autonomous applications.
“Gridstream Connect supports this new requirement as an open-source and standards-based communication system that allows compatibility with multiple vendors and an application developers hub to add future value.”
Gary High, Senior Vice President of Product Management and Marketing, added: “Gridstream Connect is about opportunities for growth. What sets it apart is the computing power and interoperability built into each layer.
“As new technologies become available and new roles for sensors emerge, utilities will be able to leverage this technology to not only manage energy and capacity, but also expand the scope of their business.”
Landis+Gyr have been making strides to integrate IoT platforms with several communications technologies, delivering innovative and cost effective solutions to utilities.
Image Credit: Stock