Why nuclear fusion is gaining steam – again

Why nuclear fusion is gaining steam – again

Energy Post April 12, 2018 by Scott L Montgomery Construction of the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) in southern France Although no breakthrough has happened in nuclear fusion since it was hailed as the clean energy source of the future in the 1970s, there are reasons to be optimistic now, writes Scott L. Montgomery of … Read more

Italy’s Eni defies skeptics, may up stake in nuclear fusion project

Italy’s Eni defies skeptics, may up stake in nuclear fusion project

Reuters Giancarlo Navach | April 13, 2018 MILAN (Reuters) – Italian energy group Eni (ENI.MI) is considering stepping up its investment in nuclear fusion, potentially doubling down on a technology considered so uncertain that Eni remains the only global oil company prepared to place a bet on it. Postdoc Ted Golfinopoulos performs maintenance between plasma … Read more

Why Fusion

Why Fusion

Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists Robert J. Goldston | 9 April 2018 The 2014 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Fifth Assessment Report included publication on the web of a wide range of scenarios for the future, produced by energy and environment modelers from all over the world. If we select the internationally coordinated set … Read more

Third Dimension speeds up MRO for world’s largest nuclear fusion facility at UKAEA

Third Dimension speeds up MRO for world’s largest nuclear fusion facility at UKAEA

Connectingindustry.com 10 April 2018 – Victoria White For the last 10 years, Third Dimension has been working with the UK Atomic Energy Authority’s (UKAEA) RACE (Remote Applications in Challenging Environments) department to facilitate the development of nuclear fusion by speeding up the MRO (maintenance, repair and overhaul) process of the world’s largest experimental reactor. As … Read more

Energy return on energy invested and the promise of fusion

Energy return on energy invested and the promise of fusion

Rationaloptimist.com Matt Ridley | 26 March, 2018 Unlimited cheap energy would transform society My Times column on Britain’s energy options: Until 2004 Britain was a net energy exporter. Today, it imports about half its energy. Some of that, in the form of coal and liquefied natural gas, comes directly from Russia, which also supplies a … Read more

Climate chaos claims continue causing consternation

Climate chaos claims continue causing consternation

By Paul Driessen April 3, 2018 From the Oakland v. oil company lawsuit to ridiculous “research,” the onslaught never ends Anyone who thought “manmade climate cataclysm” rhetoric couldn’t possibly exceed Obama era levels should read the complaint filed in the “public nuisance” lawsuit that’s being argued before Federal District Court Judge William Alsup in a … Read more

House Committee Hearing – The Future of U.S. Fusion Energy Research

House Committee Hearing – The Future of U.S. Fusion Energy Research

House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology Streamed live on Mar 6, 2018 Date: Tuesday, March 6, 2018 – 10:00am Location: 2318 Rayburn House Office Building EventID=106935 Witnesses: Dr. Bernard Bigot, director-general, ITER Organization Dr. James W. Van Dam, acting associate director, Fusion Energy Sciences, Office of Science, Department of Energy Dr. Mickey Wade, director … Read more